Exudation has led to an outpouring of fluid with fibrin into the alveolar spaces seen here , along with PMN's . 图示大量液体、纤维素和中性粒细胞渗出到肺泡腔。 www.ecd123.com 7. Methods: The exudation taking from oral disease sufferer's periodontal tissue or gum gap was examined with physio...
美[ˌɜksju'deɪʃənz] 英[ˌeksju:'deɪʃənz] n.溢泌(物);【冶】(跑铁水)胀箱;(打箱过早)跑火 网络分泌 复数:exudations 英汉 英英 网络释义 n. 1. 渗出(液),分泌(物),流出(物),溢泌(物) 2. 【冶】(跑铁水)胀箱;(打箱过早)跑火 ...
exudation 英[,eksjuː'deɪʃən]美 [,ɛksjʊ'deʃən] n.渗出,渗出物;分泌,分泌物 英文词源 exudation (n.) 1610s, "process of oozing out;" 1620s, "that which is exuded," from Late Latinexudationem/exsudationem, noun of action from neuter past participle ofexudere/exsu...
英语单词 exudation是什么意思exudation英[,eksjuː'deɪʃən]美[,ɛksjʊ'deʃən] n. 渗出,渗出物;分泌,分泌物 英文词源exudation (n.) 1610s, "process of oozing out;" 1620s, "that which is exuded," from Late Latin exudationem/exsudationem, noun of action from neuter past ...
Conclusion US is of great value in diagnosing umbilicalexudationin infant. 结论超声在诊断婴儿脐部渗液病因中具有重要价值. 互联网 Tissue edema and woundexudationfurther worsen the disturbance. 组织的水肿和创面的渗出又进一步加重了这一紊乱. 互联网 ...
exudation [英[ˌeksju:'deɪʃən]美[ˌeksju:'deɪʃən]] exudation的意思、解释 n.渗出,渗出物,分泌;溢泌 网络渗出;溢泌;伤流溢泌;渗血 更多
exudation英[,eksjuː'deɪʃən] 美[,ɛksjʊ'deʃən] 解释 n. 渗出,渗出物;分泌,分泌物 ※ 提供单词"exudation"的中文意思、发音示范及音标对照,中英文词源、例句和用法等。 英文词源 exudation (n.) 1610s, "process of oozing out;" 1620s, "that which is exuded," from Late ...
exudation英[,eksjuː'deɪʃən]美[,ɛksjʊ'deʃən] 英英释义 实用场景例句 n. 渗出,渗出物;分泌,分泌物 英文词源exudation (n.) 1610s, "process of oozing out;" 1620s, "that which is exuded," from Late Latin exudationem/exsudationem, noun of action from neuter past ...