一、语法问题解答 introvert:名词,意为“内向的人”;形容词形式为introverted,意为“内向的”。 extrovert:名词,意为“外向的人”;形容词形式为extroverted,意为“外向的”。 这两个词分别描述了人们在社交互动和能量获取方式上的两种不同倾向。 二、造句例句 introvert:She is an introvert and prefers spending t...
【区分】 introvert vs extrovert 1 introvert n. 内向的人 adj.内向的 To turn or direct inward 转向或向内 An introverted person内向的人 introverted characterized by introversion 以内向为特征的 2 extrovert n. 外向的人 adj.外向的 a person concerned more wit...
绝大多数说自己内向或外向的人其实都不完全是,绝大多数人都是内向和外向的综合体。 我们大多数人其实既不是 introvert也不是 extrovert,而是 ambivert(中向),意思是If you’re an ambivert, you’re closer to the middle of the spectrum, ...
Introvert vs Extrovert vs Ambivert – Which One are You? There's been a lot of buzz about introverts vs extroverts, and for the longest time, you were considered to be one or the other. But there's another personality type called ambivert - and it falls in the middle of the ...
声音简介 Introvert vs Extrovert vs Ambivert – Which One are You? There's been a lot of buzz about introverts vs extroverts, and for the longest time, you were considered to be one or the other. 你的性格是怎样的?内向,外向,还是既内向又外向?很多人探讨过内向和外向的区别,而且长期以来,人们...
opposite side of things, there is the nounintrovert,which can be defined as “a shy person,” or in the field of psychology, as a “person characterized by concern primarily with their own thoughts and feelings.” In zoology,introvertcan also reference a part that is or can be introverted...
If you are an introvert, you tend to recharge by spending time alone. Being alone with your thoughts is as restorative as sleeping, and just as nourishing as eating. You also tend to think things through, especially before speaking or making a decision. Unexpected changes and last-minute surp...
Why is this important for introverted individuals? Advanced Level: How does being an introvert or an extrovert influence an individual’s relationships and interactions with others? In what ways can societal expectations and norms affect introverted individuals? How can they navigate these challenges?
This article makes a comparison between introvert and extrovert singers or musicians. Introvert performers performed in their own world while their audience watch them. They have an emotional distance from the audience. Extrovert performers want to join with their audience by sharing their experiences ...
Extrovert vs. Introvert: What's the Difference? Understanding your personality type can help you discover new ways to approach and solve problems, and it may also help improve your relationships and better understand your strengths and weaknesses. The most common difference between an extrovert and...