In fact, we find that we can sometimes successfully train a model using a small fraction of large datasets, further highlighting the inefficiency of copying all data to the training node at the beginning of training. In this blog post, we go one step further: Instea...
Fix text getting extremely small Browse files main 0.1.2 jxnxsdev committed Feb 10, 2024 1 parent 85ee6b7 commit 7de4206 Showing 4 changed files with 4 additions and 5 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace Split Unified mod.template.json qpm.json qpm.shared.json src main.cpp ...
internal.FORMATTING, filetypes = { "python" }, generator_opts = { command = "ruff", args = { "--fix", "-e", "-n", "--stdin-filename", "$FILENAME", "-" }, to_stdin = true }, factory = helpers.formatter_factory }) end null_ls.setup({ sources = { ruff_fix(), null_...
Michelia lacei W.W.Smith (Magnoliaceae), was classified as a Plant Species with Extremely Small Populations (PSESP) by the Yunnan Provincial Government in both action plans of 2012 and 2021. This evergreen tree is known for its high ornamental and scient
**We love useful stuff**. For months, we have been bookmarking interesting, useful and creative CSS tools and related resources. We have been contacting developers, encouraging them to improve their tools and release their handy little apps to the public
dotnet tool install --global MessagePack.Generator Installing it as a local tool allows you to include the tools and versions that you use in your source control system. Run these commands in the root of your repo:dotnet new tool-manifest dotnet tool install MessagePack.Generator ...
I'm using PP The program runs smootly editing 4K footage but when I add Gaussian Blur and click on "track" it takes about 2 secs to track 1 video second. I'm tracking 1 face and it pretty small compared to the video itself. My main editing station is a...
\hat{w} = \text{Clip} \left( \lfloor\frac{w}{s}\rceil + z, 0, 2^N - 1 \right) \qquad\qquad (1) 其中s表示量化比例参数,z表示零点参数,N是量化比特宽度。Clip(·)将结果截断在0到 \(2^N - 1\) 的范围内。随着比特宽度越来越低,量化网格也变得更加稀疏。当我们将LLM量化为1bit时...
RNA. 1999;5:221–34. Article CAS PubMed Central PubMed Google Scholar Crooks GE, Hon G, Chandonia J-M, Brenner SE. WebLogo: a sequence logo generator. Genome Res. 2004;14:1188–90. Article CAS PubMed Central PubMed Google Scholar Download references...
internal.FORMATTING, filetypes = { "python" }, generator_opts = { command = "ruff", args = { "--fix", "-e", "-n", "--stdin-filename", "$FILENAME", "-" }, to_stdin = true }, factory = helpers.formatter_factory }) end null_ls.setup({ sources = { ruff_fix(), null_...