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Understand credit scoring -required reading You also need to obtain your credit report and score for this class – costs about $12. 10 Credit Scoring Credit file and score used to make decisions about loans, interest rates, sometimes employment. FICO score (Fair Isaac) between 300 to 850 Inac...
Bad Musk, good Musk. He’s a guy, not Avenger/Villain. Might be because he’s more right leaning? As an European, it’s crazy to watch your nation divided in two, shaping your thoughts in everyday’s life. Seems like there’s no respect. Sad but tr...
In addition, Chinese banks are unaffected global credit crunch and their foreign currency debt remains very small relative to China's large foreign exchange reserves (Table 2). Table 2: Latest performance of banking system NPL (overall) NPL (major banks) Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) Net ...