Our primary empirical results are that RMET performance is enhanced in sub-clinical depression, preserved in borderline personality disorder, and reduced in other disorders (by meta-analyses), and that across disorders, more male-biased patient sex ratios are strongly associated with worse RMET ...
Results Encapsulation response and the resistance against real pathogens Larvae that survived the Beauviria bassiana infection had higher encapsulation response before infection than those that died (t-test, t=−2.056, df=60, P=0.044). There was also no differences in body mass before infection ...
Our dog training is different – we get real lasting results by working with the “Whole Dog.” We teach you to think the way your dog thinks, to understand what matters to them and to work with who your dog naturally is. Testimoinials ...
For both gains and losses, neither the first outcome experienced nor the last outcome experienced correlated with the results on either memory test (all ps > .1, two-tailed). Nearly half the participants reported the correct proportions of the outcomes (50/50). Nonetheless, these participants ...
The model generates a series of predictions that we then test empirically in a range of special sample populations (including military veterans, college fraternity/sorority members, football fans, martial arts practitioners, and twins). Our empirical results show that sharing painful experiences produces...
His easy going personality put us both at ease, especially my husband and friend who aren't too crazy about rappelling since they aren't comfortable with heights.Jake was patient and very informative about the area and plants. He also explained the rappelling process to the level of which ...
Results indicate that for many radicalizing youngsters and foreign fighters who went to join the Caliphate in Syria and Iraq, seeking redemption in extremist religious beliefs and terrorist religious groups was an important motive reported. In line with McAdams [34••] research on ‘the ...
3DMark Vantage uses the DX10 API in addition to having support for PhysX. As we are no longer using an NVIDIA GPU for testing (at least until we can get a GTX 4xx card) you will only see the CPU based PhysX results in the scores. For testing we use the Performance test run. ...
Kellas then carried out a third set of experiments using oxygen from the Oxylithe bag while climbing. He carried the bag under the arm, which he stated was inconvenient. However, the results were dramatic, and Kellas stated that “the gain while using oxygen was quite decisive, the advantage...
Drinking from tall, thin glasses results in drinking less than drinking from short, wide glasses. We tend to overfocus on an object’s height while underemphasizing the width. Eating from large bowls increases consumption because relative to the bowl the food looks so small. (It doesn’t ap...