Dear Diary. After a relatively cold January, the atmosphere affected by increasing carbon pollution has quickly warmed across most of the U.S. A regime that brought us an extreme cold and snow event across the Gulf Coast in January has been r...
// IMAU FDM model outputs are available by request from due to the large data volume The context data used in Fig.2are available as follows: surface elevation—Present Day Greenland compilation (http://websrv.cs.umt...
Andreoli RV, Kayano MT (2005) ENSO-related rainfall anomalies in South America and associated circulation features during warm and cold Pacific Decadal Oscillation Regimes. Int J Climatol 25:2017–2030. doi:10.1002/joc.1222 Article Google Scholar Aung TT, Mochida Y, Than MM (2013) Prediction...
In particular, regional mean biases are analyzed for the 20-year return values (20RV) of the warmest day and coldest night temperatures (TXx and TNn) and annual maximum of daily precipitation (RX1day) using a Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) analysis. Results show that the CMIP6 models ...
Water Proof vs Water Resistant – Make Sure You Know the Difference One of the main factors that can turn a regular camping trip into a trip not intended for the faint hearted is the weather, especially if your trip takes you to somewhere in the UK or to other cold climates. If there ...
No universal definition of EH exists, and the thresholds of 32.2 °C and 35 °C were chosen for two reasons. Firstly, these correspond to round Fahrenheit temperatures of 90 °F and 95 °F, and extreme caution is advised by the local Detroit National Weather Service office at te...
Make your own toilet paper.“I make my own re-useable toilet paper…yes I do! Living full time in the RV saves problems in the black tank but saves money too!”–Margaret Heaton Turn off the AC, even in the heat.“I refused to turn on the AC during the summer.My electric billwas...
V alley fY RV 1.C onsequently, the cold and w arm air con. verge ov er the Y RV , which favors abun dant rainfa11. M oreo v er, an anticy c lo ne ano m aly appea rs o v er the w e st— er l N orth P acifi c ,wh ich in dic ates that the w estem N orth...
The FLEXPART model employs the global reanalysis data from ERA-Interim with a 1◦ regular grid and 61 vertical levels, obtained from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) [43], and tracks atmospheric moisture along trajectories. The 3-D wind field is used to move ...
(rGé)afparnohvaiddeadNbayztahreé)NparotivoindaeldSbyysttehme NofaWtioantearl SRyesstoeumrceosf IWnfaotremr aRtieosnou(SrcNesIRIHnf,oarvmaailtaiobnle (oSnNliInReHa,t ahvtatpil:a/b/lesnoirnhl.ianpeamatbhietntpte:/./psnt/ir,hm.aapnaamgbeidenbtye.ptht/e, mPoarntuaggeudesbeyItnhsetiP...