aisle,anxiety symptoms,avoidance,boss,dread,extreme anxiety,fears,intense anxiety,intense fear,mistake,proportion,public presentations,public restroom,rare instances,social anxiety disorder,social phobia,social relationships,social situation,social situations,sociation...
“All these medications make it hard for the body to cool off”. Antihistamines for allergies, beta blockers for heart problems, tranquilizers for anxiety and certain diabetes medications. Chronic use of laxatives for constipation or
Interestingly, independently of the BMI severity, patients in the VE-AN, E-AN, and NE-AN groups improved during the hospital stay on all outcomes considered, namely eating psychopathology, state anxiety, depressive symptoms, and body image concerns. These are innovative data because our sample inc...
But a new study finds that there’s another group of adolescents who are in nearly as much danger of experiencing the same psychiatric symptoms: teens who use tons of media, don’t get enough sleep and have a sedentary (不爱活动的) lifestyle. Of course, that may sound...
The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of extreme precipitation on the risk of outpatient visits for depression and to further explore its associated disease burden and vulnerable population. A quasi-Poisson generalized linear regression mod
The comparison of GM among young adults, the elderly, and centenarians has highlighted that the mutualistic changes in the composition and diversity of the gut ecosystem do not follow a linear relation with age, remaining highly similar between young adults and 70-year-olds and markedly changing ...
Behavior: locomotor activity measured by distance traveled (OF_distance) and the number of rearing (OF_rears) in the open field; Anxiety measured by time spent in the center of the open field (OF_center_time) and elevated plus maze (EPM_open_entry and EPM_open_time), body coordination ...
Approximately 70% of adults in the United States have experienced a traumatic event at least once in their lifetime. Up to 20% of these people will go on to develop PTSD. An estimated 5.2 million American adults ages have PTSD (or approximately 3.6%). Women are about twice...
“I had a special needs student in my class and they were prone to physical violence, verbal violence, trashing classrooms,” she says, “and they directed this violence at students and adults.” Including her. During one particularly violent outburst, the student—a second-grader—repeatedly sl...
8. Heat-Related Illnesses in Vulnerable Populations Certain groups are more susceptible to heat-related illnesses, including: a) Elderly individuals: Age-related changes reduce the body’s ability to respond to heat effectively. b) Children: Their bodies heat up more rapidly than adults, and they...