Extremal Graph Theory by Bela Bollobas (book review)Joel Spencer
Extremal graph theory Bela Bollobas, P.M. Cohn and G.E.H. Reuter, series editors, London Mathematical Society Monographs No. 11 Discrete Mathematic~ 28 (1979) 109-I t I ~) North-Holland ~uhlishillg C(impany BOOK ANNOLq~CEM,.~ .~S J.C. ABBOTT, ed,..'~q..e Chauver, et Pape...
《华研原版 极图理论 英文原版 Extremal Graph Theory 英文版进口原版英语书籍》,作者:华研原版 极图理论 英文原版 Extremal Graph Theory 英文版进口原版英语书籍Bela Bollobas 著,出版社:Dover Publications Inc.,ISBN:9780486435961。
B. Bollobas Extremal Graph Theory Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York (1978) Google Scholar [3] J.A. Bondy, U.S.R. Murty Graph Theory with Applications American Elsevier Publishing, New York (1977) Google Scholar [4] O. Byer Several results on extremal (v, e)-graphs (2nd ed.), Ph....
Extremal graph theory Bela Bollobas, P.M. Cohn and G.E.H. Reuter, series editors, London Mathematical Society Monographs No. 11 (Academic Press, London-New York-San Francisco, 1978) xx+488 pp.doi:10.1016/0012-365x(79)90194-8None
In this thesis we present two results in Extremal Graph Theory. The first result is a new proof of a conjecture of Bollobas on embedding trees of bounded degree. The second result is a new proof of the Posa conjecture.Let G=(W,E) be a graph on n vertices having minimum degree at ...
Erd?s,P.,Harary,F.Extremal problems in graph theory. A Seminar on Graph Theory . 1967B. Bollobas, Extremal problems in graph theory, J. Graph Theory 1, 1977, 117-123.Erd˝os, P.: Extremal problems in graph theory. In: A seminar in graph theory, Holt, Rinehart and Winston (1967)...
The main topics of this dissertation are extremal graph theory and algebraic graph theory. With Balister, Bollobas and Pebody, we studied a question of algebraic graph theory involving a relatively new graph invariant, namely the interlace polynomial. This polynomial is defined using a striking ...