unzip -l zip_file 6. Password-Protected ZIP To unzip and extract a password-protected ZIP file, use the unzip command with the ‘-P‘ option to specify the password. The following syntax is used: unzip -P password filename.zip Let us understand it by an example. Suppose we want to un...
Once you are inside the correct directory, simply run the following command: $ unzip SampleFolder.zip -d Extracted In this command, the “SampleFolder.zip” is the zipped folder that is going to be extracted and the “Extracted” folder is the destination where this file will be extracted t...
gzipis a command-line compression utility used to reduce the size of files or combine multiple files into a single compressed file. However, with the-doption,gzipis able to decompress .tar.gz files. The syntax is: gzip -d [archive name]Copy Run the following command to unzipexample.tar.g...
Install p7zip packages: Open your terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and type: sudo apt-get install p7zip Hit enter and let Ubuntu do its magic. It’s like feeding a banana to a monkey. Easy peasy! Navigate to the 7z archive: Use the cd command to navigate to the directory where your 7Z file...
You will need the zip and unzip packages to compress and decompress data into ZIP files on Linux. You will need to install these packages with the apt package manager and Linux distributions, such as Fedora, CentOS, or Debian-based ones (like Ubuntu or Kali Linux). The first step is to...
From http://askubuntu.com/questions/341628/how-to-extract-tar-7z-files-from-command-line Yes - the packagep7zip/p7zip-fullprovides a command-line application to zip/unzip 7z files. The command is simply7z. You cancombine a7z/tarcallusing a pipe: ...
To extract/unzip.ziparchive files to specific or different directory from the command line, include the-dunzip command flag as shown below. We will use the same example above to demonstrate this. This will extract the.zipfile content into the/tmpdirectory: ...
$ sudo apt install p7zip-full // Ubuntu/Debian Based OS $ sudo pacman -S p7zip // Manjaro/Arch Based OS $ sudo dnf install p7zip // AlmaLinux/Fedora/RHEL Based OS Extract a 7z Compressed File Using the Command Line Once the installation is over, you are ready to extract the 7z co...
For example, onDebian and Ubuntu-based distributions, you can easily install therarandunrarpackages using theapt-getoraptprogram as shown. $ sudo apt-get install rar unrar Or $ sudo apt install rar unrar If you are usingRHEL-based distributions, you can use thednf commandoryum commandto ins...
rarcommand: To create a RAR file You can install either or both, depending on your needs. Check which Linux distribution you are usingand then use its package manager to install the required packages. In Ubuntu and Debian-based distros, use: ...