Here, the query above should return the year as ‘2022’ as shown: year --- 2022 NOTE: The extract() method is part of standard SQL and is supported by major database engines such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle. However, in SQL Server, this function is renamed to YEAR or DATEPART....
在SQL中,EXTRACT函数用于提取日期或时间的特定部分,例如年份、月份、日等。其语法如下: EXTRACT(field FROM source) 复制代码 其中,field是要提取的部分,可以是YEAR、MONTH、DAY等;source是要提取的日期或时间值。 例如,要提取日期值中的年份,可以使用以下语句: SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM '2022-09-15'); 复制代码...
isoyear 日期中的ISO 8601标准年(不适用于间隔)。 每个带有星期一开始的周中包含1月4日的ISO年,所以在年初的1月或12月下旬的ISO年可能会不同于阳历的年。详细信息请参见后续的week描述。 SELECTEXTRACT(isoyearFROMDATE'2006-01-01');date_part---2005(1row) SELECTEXTRACT(...
起因是看不懂以下SQL 1SELECT2province_org_id,31.0ASbl,4outage_respon_codeAStdzrm,5round(6EXTRACT (7epoch8FROM9(10CASE1112WHENto_timestamp ('','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')>outage_e_timeTHEN13outage_e_timeELSEto_timestamp ('','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')14END-15CASE1617WHENoutage_s_time...
One of the most asked questions in forums and discussion board is how a SQL function to extract year from date. This can be done in multiple ways as shown below. SELECT YEAR(GETDATE()) AS [Year] GO SELECT CONVERT(varchar(4), GETDATE(), 126) AS [Year] GO SELECT DATEPART(YEAR,GET...
SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM order_date) AS year FROM orders; 如果我们想要获取每个订单发生的月份,可以使用以下查询: SELECT EXTRACT(MONTH FROM order_date) AS month FROM orders; 与其它函数结合使用 EXTRACT()函数也可以与其他 SQL 函数结合使用,以创建更复杂的查询,我们可以结合使用EXTRACT()和GROUP BY来统计...
YEAR、 、YYEARS、 、YRYRS總月數 / 12 MONTH、 、MONMONS、MONTHS總月 % 12 DAY、 、DDAYS: 間隔的天數 HOUR、、HHOURS、、、HR、微HRS秒包含的時數 MINUTE、、MMIN、、、MINS、MINUTES:從微秒花費數小時后剩餘多少分鐘 SECOND、、SSEC、、、SECONDS、SECS、花費數小時和分鐘數秒后剩餘的秒數 ...
When extracting from a datetime with a time zone value, the value returned is in UTC. For a listing of time zone region names and their corresponding abbreviations, query the V$TIMEZONE_NAMES dynamic performance view. 1. 获取当前日期中的年份 SQL> select extract(year from sysdate) as "year"...
Convert a field to display month-year in SQL Reporting convert columns to rows in ssrs Convert from Number to Text- Exporting to Excel from SQL Reporting services 2000 Convert integer to string - Using expressions in SSRS docs CONVERT INTEGER VALUE TO TIME IN SQL Convert Milliseconds to HH:...
EXTRACT(YEARFROMDATE'2015-03-03') --- 2015 The following example selects all employees who were hired in and after 2008 : Sample table: employees SQL> SELECT first_name,last_name, employee_id, hire_date 2 FROM employees 3 WHERE EXTRACT(YEAR FROM TO...