await QueuedTask.Run(() => Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync("management.AddFeatureClassToTopology", par_AddFeatureClass)); 1. 2. 7、添加拓扑规则【重叠】: var par_AddRule = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(top_path, "Must Not Overlap (Area)", fc_path, null, null, null); await QueuedTask.Run(...
複数のラスターまたはマルチバンド ラスター データセットから値を抽出する場合は、[複数の抽出値 → ポイント (Extract Multi Values To Points)] ツールを使用します。 内挿オプションは、ラスターから値を取得する方法を決定します。デフォルトのオプションでは、入力位置で正確なセル値が...
Extracts cell values at locations specified in a point feature class from one or more rasters and records the values to the attribute table of the point feature class. Usage This tool modifies the input point features and may change its internal feature ID, which may be named ObjectID, FI...
Extract Values to Points The Extract Values to Points tool extracts the cell values of a raster and creates a new point feature class. In ArcGIS Pro, click the Analysis ribbon, and click the Tools icon. In the Geoprocessing pane, search for and click Extract Values to Points. In...
ArcGISPro|学校选址分析,运用了坡度、重分类、欧式距离、栅格计算器等工具 3144 0 21:28 App ArcGISPro|矢量数据分析,综合应用缓冲区,相交,擦除和联合工具制作分级设色区位分析图 1336 0 10:25 App ArcGIS Pro|空间连接工具spacial join,找出距离最近的 1624 0 03:26 App ArcGIS Pro|裁剪工具clip,根据边界裁剪...
The Extract Values to Points tool in ArcGIS Pro extracts and records the cell values of a raster in the attribute table of an output point feature class. In some cases, running the tool returns the value '-9999' instead of the correct raster cell values.Cause...
Input points The points where values will be extracted from the raster. The points are specified as x,y coordinate pairs in the same map units as the input raster. Point Extraction area (Optional) Identifies whether to extract cells based on the specified point locations (inside) or outside ...
Extract Multi Values to Points, modifies the input feature by appending the raster values to the attribute table of the input feature. The raster values are stored in the field with the same name as the input raster. However, you can specify the field name with this tool, if you wish. ...
2) In theGeoprocessingpane, openExtract Multi Values to Points (Spatial Analyst Tools)and run the tool with the following parameters: i.Input point features:Unsheltered_Stopsii.Input rasters:RCP85_difference 3) Repeat steps 1 and 2 to calculate the difference between RCP 4.5 and the Baseline...
OUTSIDE —A keyword specifying that the cells outside the input points should be selected and written to the output raster. String Return Value NameExplanationData Type out_raster The output raster containing the cell values extracted from the input raster. ...