Read More:How to Extract Text after a Specific Text in Excel Method 3 – Using LEFT, FIND, and SUBSTITUTE Functions to Extract Text After a Character We are using the previous dataset, but we changed the lookup characters. We’ll extract the text from the cells after the character noted i...
Read More: How to Extract Text After First Space in Excel Method 3 – Using MID and SEARCH Functions to Extract Text The SEARCH function returns the number of characters at which a specific character or text string is first found, so we’ll use it to find the slashes. Copy the following...
The Excel TEXTAFTER function returns text that appears after a given character or substring, which is called the delimiter. In case there are multiple occurrences of the delimiter, you can choose the target occurrence. If the delimiter is not found, the function can return the #N/A error, y...
This tutorial will demonstrate how to extract text before or after a character in Excel and Google Sheets. Extract Text Before Character using the FIND and LEFT Functions To extract the text before the comma, we can use the LEFT and FIND functions Find Function First, we can find the ...
In Excel, you can write formulas to extract text after or before a specific character. And in this tutorial, we will learn to write these formulas. Extract Text After a Character We need to use TRIM, RIGHT, SUBSTITUTE, REPT, and LEN in this formula. And In the below example, we have...
Extract Text After The Last Instance Of A Specific Character If you have a list of complex text strings that contain several delimiters (take the below screenshot as example, which contains hyphens, comma, spaces within a cell data), and now, you want to find the position of the last occu...
Hi! If not using VBA, you can try to solve the problem of how to extract text between two words using a few formulas. First, extract text after the first word using these instructions:Get a substring after a certain character. Then, from the resulting text string, extract text before the...
Method B: Extract substring after or before a defined character by Kutools for Excel To directly extract a substring after or before a specified character, you can use the Extract Text utility of Kutools for Excel, which can help you to extract all characters after or before a character, ...
Date ' Find the first non-blank character after the date Dim startIndex As Integer startIndex = 9 While Mid(CleanedParagraph, startIndex, 1) = " " And startIndex <= Len(CleanedParagraph) startIndex = startIndex + 1 Wend ' Column B: 12 characters after the date (or as many as availa...
With TEXTBEFORE and TEXTAFTER, you can pull out text before or after a certain word or character. This makes these functions more flexible than theLEFT, RIGHT, and MID functionsyou might be using. For splitting a string into various cells, you can use TEXTSPLIT. ...