The rest is easy. The MAX function finds the highest number in the above array, which is the position of the last non-numeric value in the string (6 in our case). Simply, subtract that position from the total length of the string returned byLEN, and pass the result toRIGHTto let it...
VBA code: Extract number only from text string: SubExtrNumbersFromRange()DimxRgAsRangeDimxDRgAsRangeDimxRRgAsRangeDimnCellLengthAsIntegerDimxNumberAsIntegerDimstrNumberAsStringDimxTitleIdAsStringDimxIAsIntegerxTitleId="KutoolsforExcel"SetxDRg=Application.InputBox("Please select text strings:",xTitleId...
Each phone number starts with and ends with . And we can use the RegEx Tool in Octoparse to quickly extract all phone numbers. Step 1. Run Octoparse and open the RegEx Tool. Step 2. Copy and paste the source code in the “Source Text” box. Then select the “Start With” option ...
Solved: Hello, I am trying (rather unsuccessfully) to extract a number of varying length form a sting. The constants are 0s and us with the string in
Regex to extract number from string Following the basic maxim of teaching "from simple to complex", we'll start with a very plain case: extracting number from string. The first thing for you to decide is which number to retrieve: first, last, specific occurrence or all numbers. ...
VBA code: Extract last numbers from text strings: Sub GetLastDigits() 'Updateby Extendoffice Dim xRg As Range Dim xCell As Range Dim xRegEx As Object Dim xRetList As Object Dim xAddress As String On Error Resume Next xAddress = ActiveWindow.RangeSelection.Address Set xRg = Application.In...
extract only letter and number from a string (by regular expression) Extract Private Key as String from PFX File Extract the value between 2 XML tags in string variable Extract Zip or Rar file using C# Netframework 4.0 Extracting bits from bytearray Extracting DateTime from GUID Extracting list...
// Final string (matches approach): 1023452434343 Alternately, you can use the Regex.Split method and use @"[^\d]" as the pattern to split on. Here the logic is reversed; I'm instructing it to split on anything that is NOT a number and I'm excluding it from the...
importre temp_string="Hi my age is 32 years and 250.5 days12"print(temp_string)print([float(s)forsinre.findall(r"-?\d+\.?\d*",temp_string)]) Output: Hi my age is 32 years and 250.5 days12[32.0, 250.5, 12.0] TheRegExsolution works for negative and positive numbers and overcomes...
You shouldn't be using a conditional because the RegEx mask will work for both scenarios (4 or 5 letters as indicated by the italic in the code below). Include ^ to indicate start of string, and $ to indicate end of string. <cfset thisNumber = REreplaceNoCase(trim(fileName),"^(\...