extract multi values to points To extract multiple values to points, you can use the following steps: 1. Convert your data into a point feature class or shapefile if it isn't already. This can be done using the "Feature to Point" tool in ArcGIS or the "Points" tool in QGIS. 2. ...
QGis.WKBMultiLineString, inputProvider.crs())# Prepare percentage progress and startprogress_perc =100/ len(uniqueValues) n =0forvalueinuniqueValues:# Filter x,y points with desired field value (value)xPoints = [] yPoints = []forfeatureinfeatures(inputLayer): fieldValue = self.getFeatureAt...
Once the field has reached a correct straight position, the plot shape file can be drawn by selecting at least four points at the corners of the experiment. The number of columns and rows must be informed. At this point the experimental borders can be eliminated, in the example bellow the ...
There are additional parameters (min_beach_size,min_length_sl,cloud_mask_issue,sand_colorandpan_off) that can be tuned to optimise the shoreline detection (for Advanced users only). For the moment leave these parameters set to their default values, we will see later how they can be modified...
However, it should be possible to run the two code sections below via the Python Console and have QGIS generate a layer. Function code: def addArcGisLayer (url, layer, crs, params): # PARAMETERS # url (str): URL of the FeatureServer or MapServer # layer (str): ArcGIS name o...
I am assuming the existence of a points layer and the existence of a polys layer, both with unique values for the fid field. The same would appreciate the opinion of any SQL specialist to improve the query using tools available in SpatiaLite, in the virtual layers environ...
current =0total =100.0/ float(provider.featureCount() * len(uniqueValues)) outFeat = QgsFeature()forjinuniqueValues: cx =0.00cy =0.00points = [] weights = [] features = QGisLayers.features(layer)forfeatinfeatures: current +=1progress.setPercentage(current * total)ifsingle: ...