Currently, I am utilizing the datetime module and I am interested in knowing the alternative functions available to extract specific information such as the day, month, and more from a given datetime object. Please note that I am aware of the option to utilizeUNIX_TIMESTAMP()in a SQL query ...
Extract month from datetime string The following query extracts the month from the stringDatesand returns a table with the date string and the month. Kusto letDates =datatable(DateString:string) ["15-12-2024","21-07-2023","10-03-2022"]; Dates |extendMonth = extract(@"-(\d{2})-",...
extract_datetime::= Purpose EXTRACT extracts and returns the value of a specified datetime field from a datetime or interval expression. The expr can be any expression that evaluates to a datetime or interval data type compatible with the requested field: If YEAR or MONTH is requested, then exp...
Month No. of Orders --- --- 11 15 6 14 7 14 3 11 5 10 2 9 9 9 8 7 10 6 1 5 12 4 4 1 12 rows selected. 次の例では、1998年を戻します。 SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM DATE '1998-03-07') FROM DUAL; EXTRACT(YEARFROM
The EXTRACT function returns a specified portion of a datetime value. Extract Date Values >>-EXTRACT--(--+-YEAR--+--FROM--+-date-expression---+--)--->< +-MONTH-+ '-timestamp-expression-' '-DAY---' Extract Time Values >>-EXTRACT...
-MONTH:从日期或时间戳中提取月份 -DAY:从日期或时间戳中提取日期 -HOUR:从时间或时间戳中提取小时 -MINUTE:从时间或时间戳中提取分钟 -SECOND:从时间或时间戳中提取秒钟 source是要提取的日期或时间戳的列名或表达式。 下面是一些使用Extract函数的示例: 1.提取年份: ```sql SELECTEXTRACT(YEARFROM'2024-01-01...
EXTRACT ( field FROM source ) 其中,field指定要从source中提取的部分,可以是以下值之一: YEAR:年份 MONTH:月份 DAY:日 HOUR:小时(24 小时制) MINUTE:分钟 SECOND:秒钟 source是一个日期或时间值,可以是一个列名、表达式或常量。 例如,如果您有一个datetime列,并且希望提取该列中的年份,可以使用以下查询: ...
EXTRACT(unit FROM datetime_expression) unit是你想要从日期或时间值中提取的部分,如 YEAR、MONTH、DAY、HOUR 等。 datetime_expression是一个日期或时间值,可以是列名、常量或者任何有效的日期/时间表达式。 可用的单位 以下是EXTRACT()函数支持的一些常用单位: ...
The EXTRACT function returns a portion of a datetime based on its arguments. Extract date values >>-EXTRACT--(--+-YEAR--+--FROM--+-date-expression---+--)--->< +-MONTH-+ '-timestamp-expression-' '-DAY---' Extract time values >>-EXTRACT...