我曾尝试在一个文件上将栅格转换为数据帧,只是为了看看它是否有效。我尝试过使用: as.data.frame( rasterToPoints(species) ) 但是当我尝试将“物种”写入csv时,我得到了一个错误: Error in as.data.frame.default(x[[i]], optional = TRUE) : cannot coerce class "structure("RasterLayer", package...
: A Tool to Analyze Images From Agricultural Field Trials and Lab in This package is a compilation of functions to analyze orthomosaic images from research fields. To prepare the image it first allows to crop the image, remove soil and weeds and rotate the image. The package also builds a ...
I am extracting data from an ArcGIS Server into QGIS, using the Extract/Clip by Extent processing tool in the Processing Toolbox. The ArcGIS data has several fields that are Coded Value domains (code/name pairs). An example layer is below, though the question is generic. https://m...
You can refer to the presentation: Qgis ibama imagefootprint for more information. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Oct 24, 2017 at 5:05 ahmadhanb 41.2k55 gold badges5353 silver badges107107 bronze badges Add a comment 2 You can use "Create layer from extent" processing algo...
The ArcInfo grid layer is a simple 1 band grid. Nothing works. I can understand the frustration of people trying to use ESRI products. That is why I use QGIS for most of my work. It is faster more flexible and easier to use than Arcmap. Reply 0 Kudos by Anonymous User 06...
The original aerial imagery, as well as annotated building polygons, are hosted by the Land Information of New Zealand (LINZ) (https://data.linz.govt.nz/layer/53413-nz-building-outlines-pilot/). The aerial images are in a spatial resolution of 0.075. Prior to performing our experiments, ...