-HOUR:从时间或时间戳中提取小时 -MINUTE:从时间或时间戳中提取分钟 -SECOND:从时间或时间戳中提取秒钟 source是要提取的日期或时间戳的列名或表达式。 下面是一些使用Extract函数的示例: 1.提取年份: ```sql SELECTEXTRACT(YEARFROM'2024-01-01'); ``` 结果为:2024 2.提取月份: ```sql SELECTEXTRACT(MONTH...
1:EXTRACT()是一个 SQL 函数,用于从日期或时间值中提取特定的部分。它的基本语法如下: EXTRACT ( field FROM source ) 其中,field指定要从source中提取的部分,可以是以下值之一: YEAR:年份 MONTH:月份 DAY:日 HOUR:小时(24 小时制) MINUTE:分钟 SECOND:秒钟 source是一个日期或时间值,可以是一个列名、表达式...
1:EXTRACT() 是一个 SQL 函数,用于从日期或时间值中提取特定的部分。它的基本语法如下: EXTRACT ( field FROM source ) 其中,field 指定要从 source 中提取的部分,可以是以下值之一: YEAR:年份 MONTH:月份 DAY:日 HOUR:小时(24 小时制) MINUTE:分钟 SECOND:秒钟 source 是一个日期或时间值,可以是一个列名...
For example, if you try to extract the hour from a DATE expression, you will get an error. ExamplesBelow we show several examples of the output from applying the EXTRACT function. Please note that we assume that expression is already in the correct data type (either DATE, DATETIME, or ...
The data type of the result of the function depends on the part of the datetime value that is specified: If YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, or MINUTE is specified, the data type of the result is INTEGER. If SECOND is specified with a TIMESTAMP(p) value, the data type of the result is DE...
SQL 型 V4.0.0 参考指南 SQL 语法 普通租户(Oracle 模式) 函数 单行函数 时间日期函数 EXTRACT(datetime) 更新时间:2024-10-22 23:00:00 描述 该函数是从指定的时间字段或表达式中抽取年、月、日、时、分、秒和时区等元素。 语法 EXTRACT({YEAR|MONTH|DAY|HOUR|MINUTE|SECOND|TIMEZONE_HOUR|TIMEZONE_MINUTE...
EXTRACT interprets expr as an ANSI datetime data type. For example, EXTRACT treats DATE not as legacy Oracle DATE but as ANSI DATE, without time elements. Therefore, you can extract only YEAR, MONTH, and DAY from a DATE value. Likewise, you can extract TIMEZONE_HOUR and TIMEZONE_MINUTE ...
The field you are extracting must be a field of the datetime_value_expr or interval_value_expr. For example, you can extract only YEAR, MONTH, and DAY from a DATE value. Likewise, you can extract TIMEZONE_HOUR and TIMEZONE_MINUTE only from the TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE datatype. ...
Likewise, let us receive the time part from the DateTime section of the function EXTRACT() arguments. The SQL statement is as follows: SELECTEXTRACT(HOURFROM'2020-05-17 08:30:25'); So, the function results in 8 to provide the hour part from time value “08:30:25”. ...
its value must be a valid character-string or graphic-string representation of a date. Ifexpressionis a valid string representation of a date, it must be one of the IBM SQL standard formats. For the valid formats of string representations of dates, seeString representations of datetime values....