extract (field from source) extract函数是从日期或者时间数值里面抽取子域,比如年、月、日等。source必须是timestamp、time、interval类型的值表达式。field是一个标识符或字符串,其具有很多的枚举值。 新纪元时间 Epoch也是field的一种, 是以 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC 为标准的时间,将目标时间与 1970-01-01 ...
MakeEXTRACT(EPOCH FROM timestamp without time zone)measure the epoch from local midnight, not UTC midnight (Tom Lane) This change reverts an ill-considered change made in release 7.3. Measuring from UTC midnight was inconsistent because it made the result dependent on thetimezonesetting, which c...
const { Pool } = require("pg"); const connectDb = async () => { try { const pool = new Pool({ host: "***", database: "***", user: "***", password: "***", }); await pool.connect() const res = await pool.query('SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE ...
case TIME_BASED: return _getTimestampFromUuidV1(uuid); return UUIDTimer.timestampToEpoch(_getRawTimestampFromUuidV1(uuid)); case TIME_BASED_REORDERED: return _getTimestampFromUuidV6(uuid); return UUIDTimer.timestampToEpoch(_getRawTimestampFromUuidV6(uuid)); case TIME_BASED_EPOCH: retur...
Extract can only get single fields. To extract the full date (year, month, day) or time (hour, minute, second) from a timestamp, cast can be used:1 CAST(<timestamp> AS [DATE|TIME]) This is particularly useful for the group by clause. In the where clause, it is often the wrong...
Solved: Hi. I have an audit log from SAS SPDServer, where they use their internal time format, this looks like an epoch format, but its base is Jan.
You can test this on your search assuming that your _time is automatically taken from the event and tagged with the current month and year: |makeresults | eval source="XYLog09229190601.txt" | eval inputDate= substr(source,len(source)-9,6),inputDateEpoch=strptime(inputDate,"%y%m%d"),date...
如果source为date和timestamp,表示自1970-01-01 00:00:00-00当地时间以来的秒数; 如果source为interval,表示时间间隔的总秒数。 gaussdb=# SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE '2001-02-16 20:38:40.12-08'); date_part --- 982384720.12(1 row) gaussdb=# SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ...
如果source为date和timestamp,表示自1970-01-01 00:00:00-00当地时间以来的秒数; 如果source为interval,表示时间间隔的总秒数。 gaussdb=# SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE '2001-02-16 20:38:40.12-08'); date_part --- 982384720.12(1 row) gaussdb=# SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM ...