Online PlotDigitizer's appis a free tool available for online use only. The tool is free and allows users to extract data from various graphs though it comes with limited features. For full access to additional features, like auto-tracing, dataset storage, you have to purchase a pro license...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 Hi, I have an original quiver plot. My interest is to extract the data (x-reverse, y-reverse, u-reverse, v-reverse) from the figure with reverse x-direction, as shown in Figure B. 테마복사 quiver (x, y, u, v) %original quiver plot set (gca...
WebPlotDigitizer A web based tool to extract numerical data from plot images. Supports XY, Polar, Ternary diagrams and Maps. This tool has been developed using HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript and therefore runs from within the browser and requires no installation. ...
A web based tool to extract numerical data from plot images. Supports XY, Polar, Ternary diagrams and Maps. This tool has been developed using HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript and therefore runs from within the browser and requires no installation. Homepage This project is hosted on http://arohatg...
l.YData % ydata of line 댓글 수: 1 S.R. 2020년 6월 5일 Hi Ameer, When I plot data to figure I use: plot(app.PlotData,X,Y). Does the mean tha I could now use l=findall(app.PlotData, 'type', 'line'); l.XData ; l.YData ? Thank you, 댓글을 ...
Plot these two columns as a Line+Scatter graph. Click the Scale In toolbar button , and then draw a rectangle with the cursor pressed to select a region to scale in. With the graph window activated, click the app button of Extract XY Data from Graph to open the app dialog. Check ...
open namefile.fig %open your fig file, data is the name I gave to my file D=get(gca,'Children'); %get the handle of the line object XData=get(D,'XData'); %get the x data YData=get(D,'YData'); %get the y data
so you are drawing hull sections. For each z, I gather what you mean by this is you have a curve for each value of z, so some implicit function as pairs of (x,y). In your last question, z was not a factor. So I can only assume that you are trying to loft a hull from thes...
The way the data is set makes it quite hard to get data only at X=20mm, because the corresponding Y value only occurs every 158 lines. Is there a way to extract data every 158 lines so I make the plot I need? Thank you so much! «...
How do I extract data from MATLAB figures?. Learn more about extract, data, figure, fig, line MATLAB