MATLAB Online에서 열기 Hi, I have an original quiver plot. My interest is to extract the data (x-reverse, y-reverse, u-reverse, v-reverse) from the figure with reverse x-direction, as shown in Figure B. 테마복사 quiver (x, y, u, v) %original quiver plot set (gca...
I have seen some examples on how to extract data from Matlab figure but could it be done in GUI where figure was plotted by app designer? Thank you, Sasha 댓글 수: 0 댓글을 달려면 로그인하십시오. 이 질문에 답변하려면 로그인하...
open namefile.fig %open your fig file, data is the name I gave to my file D=get(gca,'Children'); %get the handle of the line object XData=get(D,'XData'); %get the x data YData=get(D,'YData'); %get the y data
Thanks for pointing me to this example; outcome is below. For simplicity I deleted all the "lines" in the bode plot except for one "line" in the magnitude plot (I believe it's actually a hggroup); I also deleted the bode plot legend and a subplot containing the phase "lines". The ...
How do I extract data from MATLAB figures?. Learn more about extract, data, figure, fig, line MATLAB
If I use semilogy to plot some data such that the plot appears as a straight line, how can I extract the exponent of this line? Can I use polyfit to get this or is there a different way?0 Comments Sign in to comment.Sign in to answer this question.Accepted Answer Stephan...
Solved: I plan to use the position2go raw data extracted by matlab, and use the provided extract_raw_data.m code to extract a 256*2*16 data, which
I have a set of 3D points as a ascii format (as attached). I was able to get the surface plot by using trisurf function (as shown in my code). What I want is to get all of thesurface points(show as coordinate). So how can I do the next? Thank you if anyone can help m...
PlotDigitizer v3 (dmg) Frequently Asked Questions Brief answers to some of the common questions asked by our users What is PlotDigitizer? PlotDigitizer is data extraction software that digitizes graph and plot images. Its inbuilt functionality allows users to quickly extract data from graphs, plots...
Data Types: logical | single | double | int16 | uint8 | uint16 points— Center location point M-by-2 matrix | point feature object Center location point of a square neighborhood,specified as an M-by-2 matrix of M number of [x y] coordinates, or as one of the point feature objects...