This command generates a new private key (-newkey) using the RSA algorithm with a 2048-bit key length (rsa:2048) without using a passphrase (-nodes) and then creates the key file with a name of yourdomain.key (-keyout yourdomain.key). The command then generates the CSR with a file...
Error extracting keyentry aliases from PFX#17414 Version OpenSSL 1.1.1k openssl pkcs12 -inkey xx.key -in xx.crt -export out xx.pfx -password pass:xx bernd-edlinger commentedon Jan 6, 2022 bernd-edlinger uzeyiryenilmez commentedon Jan 7, 2022 ...
After generating your private key, you are ready to create your CSR. The CSR is created using the PEM format and contains the public key portion of the private key as well as information about you (or your company). Use the following command to create a CSR using your newly generated pri...
but the privkey1.pem file got rejected. For giggles, I exported the certificate, which created a .crt file (hm!). I tried feeding that into Server, but it stuck it under "extra non-identity certificates" again. I'm bumfuzzled, bleary-eyed, and going to bed. Appreciate any assistance...