This strange circumstance provides student loan borrowers a unique opportunity. Those that are willing to get creative and take an extra step or two may find that they do much better in the long run. If you have already made payments, and wish you didn’t,getting a refund should be easy....
The average tax refund in 2018 was$2,895, which breaks down to a little over $240 per month taking an unnecessary trip to the IRS and back. The fastest way to make some extra money is to keep your own in your paycheck, rather than letting Uncle Sam hold onto it for a year. Most ...
Though far from ideal, she suggests considering a loan from your 401(k). Most plans do offer loans, though some do not. If you need money for an issue related to Covid-19, you can take adistribution without penalty,thanks to the CARES Act, if you are younger than 59½....