of concordance in twin studies questions the possible genetic basis for the trait. There is a suggestion that the recurrence risk for maternal half-siblings was as great as that for full siblings, which raises the possibility of some maternal factor having an influence on the occurrence of the...
2,3]. As we will later see, microbes can harm the host organism in multiple ways, such as via toxic molecules, inhibition of host immune function, disruption of tissue tight junctions, induction of proteotoxic stress,
Chapter 6: Extra Cellular Matrix and Its Application as Coating on Synthetic 3D Scaffolds for Guided Tissue RegenerationDonner tissue and organ shortage is a serious problem for patients who desperately waiting for tissue and organ transplantation. Tissue engineering shows great promise in solving this ...
44. Briefly, layer 5 was microdissected from fluorescent Nissl-stained vibratome sections of FI and nuclei were liberated from tissue by Dounce homogenization. NeuN staining and fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) were used to enrich for neuronal (...
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