started using sudo")raiseException("This program must be ran using sudo ") i3xfce.loggers.ROOTLOGGER.debug("Creating the option tuple") options_tuple = namedtuple('Options', ['connection','forks','module_path','become_user','become','become_method','check','verbosity'])try:# initialize ...
split is not None, "split must be provided in absence of blend_per_split" split_vector = parse_and_normalize_split(self.split) self.split_matrix = convert_split_vector_to_split_matrix(split_vector) log_single_rank(logger, logging.INFO, f"Let split_matrix = {self.split_matrix}") if ...
If there are multiple constructors, then the[YamlConstructor]attribute must be applied to the desired constructor (the generator will not automatically choose one), otherwise the generator will emit an error. :note: If using a parameterized constructor, all parameter names must match corresponding me...
"Settings" in DLL project properties and app.config file "The function evaluation requires all threads to run" while accessing music library through wmp.dll "The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable, property or indexer". Help? "The remote server returned an error: (401) Una...
Arguments: Tuple is a tensor that specifies the ordering of the dimensions of the data. UpSample1D (added to keras.layers.convolutional, August 16 2015: keras-team/keras#532) This layer upsamples input across one dimension (e.g. inverse MaxPooling1D) Default Input shape (Theano dim ordering...
Arguments: * `content` - the message to record * `finish` - if you're absolutely certain that you've completed your task and have tested your work, use the finish action to stop working. %(background_commands)s You MUST take time to think in between read, write, run, browse, push,...
raise ValueError("store_builder must be callable") # noqa: TRY004 # check it takes two arguments # we don't use type hints because it could be # a partial sig = signature(builder) if len(sig.parameters) != 2: # noqa: PLR2004 raise ValueError("store_builder must take two arguments"...
The order must be the same as the order of submodels in the ordered dict `models_and_neuron_configs`. If None, will use the keys from `models_and_neuron_configs` as names. @@ -287,6 +296,8 @@ def export_models( outputs from the Neuron configuration. """ outputs = [] if ...
C10_HOST_DEVICE inline normal_distribution(T mean_in, T stdv_in) : mean(mean_in), stdv(stdv_in) { TORCH_CHECK_IF_NOT_ON_CUDA(stdv_in >= 0, "stdv_in must be positive: ", stdv_in); mean = mean_in; stdv = stdv_in; } template <typename RNG> @@ -236,9 +232,8 @@...
Given the categorical nature of words, the model must first look up the source and target embeddings to retrieve the corresponding word representations. For this embedding layer to work, a vocabulary is first chosen for each language. Usually, a vocabulary size V is selected, and only the most...