Lovely to see this handsome new takahē couple join @Wellington_NZ predator free bird sanctuary@ZEALANDIA. 3 yr old Waitaa and 6 yr old male Bendigo join takahē Neo and Orbell at the sanctuary, after arriving by air from the Burwood Takahē Breeding Centre in@TeAnauNZ@docgovtnzpic.twitter...
Scarlett RJ, Molnar : Terrestial bird or dinosaur phalanx from the New Zealand Cretaceous. NZ J of Zoology. 1984, 11: 271-275. 10.1080/03014223.1984.10428240. Article Google Scholar Gans C: Tetrapod limblessness: evolution and functional corollaries. Am Zool. 1975, 15: 455-467. Article Goo...