external focus一般是指运动员在思考比赛中身体以外的事情,比如球的落点,对手的身体语言之类……internal focus指的是运动员在比赛中思考自身身体的状况,比如肌肉爆发力、紧张程度还有疼痛感之类。高芙说她的教练里巴是来自西班牙,所以还不会区分这个区别。她与吉尔伯特正在努力帮助里巴熟悉这些英语的区别!
External or internal focus?A comparison of IT executive and IT project manager. Karsen J,Gottschalk P,Anderson E. Engineering Management International . 2002Karsen J,Gottschalk P,Anderson E.External or internal focus?A comparison of...
Specifically, we examine changes in strategy over time along two critical dimensions: (1) focus of venturing, i.e., internally vs externally oriented, and (2) learning orientation i.e., explorative vs exploitative. Our empirical analysis is based on news stories relating to six large, R&D-...
securities markets, they have in mind two very different ideals: a market in which new information propagates so quickly that no investor has a systematic information advantage (outside, or "fair game," efficiency), and a market in which transactions cost is zero (inside, or "internal," ...
A well-structured internal link network improves both user experience and search engine indexing. 4. Don’t Overdo It Too many internal links in a single article can clutter the content and confuse readers. Instead of stuffing links everywhere, focus on 2-5 relevant internal links per post ...
Part 2: internal influences This second section of the review switches perspective and directs readers’ attention away from external influences that establish sensory and motor cues for the efficient processing of abstract as well as concrete concepts. Instead, we now focus on processing constraints ...
Analysis of the percentage of strong pressures revealed a significant effect of the Focus of attention (F(1,50) = 6.5, p = 0.009), due to higher values with the internal focus (49.85 ± 2.91%) compared to the external focus (36.31 ± 3.01%). The interaction Procedu...
I think most companies will want to get their feet wet with internal use cases where they have more control over the data, information and security. There is still a lot of learning that needs to take place with how these new tools and services will work best in the long...
For example, a sales person tends to have a greater external network size and breadth than a person whose company role is mainly internal.External network breadthThe graph for External network breadth is the number of distinct external groups or domains with whom an employee had at least two ...
(n = 39). We found that both external and internal strategy use was associated with significantly higher posttest performance on the trained n-back task, and that training with n-back strategy instruction yielded positive transfer on untrained n-back tasks, resembling the transfer pattern ...