even if it rarely does. Or, where we do make gener- alizations, they may have added force because of artificiality of sample or setting. A misplaced preoc- cupation with external validity can lead us to dismiss good research for which generalization to real life is not intended or meaningf...
This is not a major concern, however, since the overall calibration slope is near 1 (see above) and the discrimination of the model is largely preserved (see below). Method 3: Measures of discrimination Harrell’s c-index, Gönen and Heller’s K statistic and Royston & Sauerbrei’s ...
Machine learned interatomic interaction potentials have enabled efficient and accurate molecular simulations of closed systems. However, external fields, which can greatly change the chemical structure and/or reactivity, have been seldom included in curr
We consider these scores to demonstrate sufficient reliability of the rating process, especially for a newly defined research concept such as ERM. Validity cannot be measured, as there exist no “true” rating scores (Gwet, 2014). Table 1. Inter-rater agreement between three researchers in the ...
Despite the burgeoning literature on these topics, the firm type issue has been largely overlooked. Since FFs and non-FFs differ in both the relational strength they form with external parties and in the degree of the formalization of their interaction with innovation partners, we argue that a ...
the molecular mechanisms procuring cellular responses remain largely unknown. The current literature is conflicting with regards to evidence that magnetic fields affect functionality directly at the cellular level. Therefore, a search for potential direct cellular effects of magnetic fields represents a corne...
The final measure included in the analysis was a single item that asked teachers to indicate the percentage of time they used EDRs in their classrooms. Answers ranged from 0 to 100. To provide additional convergent validity, we tested the correlation between EDR adoption and the two belief ...
By the same move, the country was transformed from a kingdom where ethnic Hungarians were effectively a minority (if counted in the ‘Great Hungary’ the map of which is widely used to today as a sign of nationalist feelings and that includes Croatia) to a largely homogenous state, also ...
This underlines the validity of using local dispersion modelling. The SCREEN3 model [84], developed by the EPA in 1995, was used for the analysis of ground level pollutant concentrations. SCREEN3 is a screening version of the more advanced ISC3 model and does not incorporate atmospheric ...
Once all the concepts were identified, a preliminary validity check was conducted by reading the abstracts of the papers and patents, and they were ignored if they did not fit the scope of our coding goal. In the end, we identified a total of 29 relevant candidates in publications in a ...