Understand locus of control. A comparison between internal vs external locus of control and examples. Learn to identify your outlook and how it can...
心理健康测试顾问 嗨,朋友!迫不及待要分享给你这个资源,相信能满足你的小期待~ 快戳[内在—外在心理控制源量表Internal一External Locus of Control Scale.doc]查看~ 你觉得这个资源怎么样,还有没有其他想要的资源呀?
“Caution does not avert the decree of fate.” Southern Arabian proverb Concept of Time Monochronic Polychronic Locus of Control Internal External You will have a quiz next class! This quiz will cover anything we‟ve talked about so far, including the 4 building blocks of culture, the definit...
1) external locus of control 外控点 2) Internal-Outer Control 内-外控制点 3) phototopography image control point 航测外业像控点 4) outsourcing control of key points 外包控制关键点 5) exterior point 外点 1. Inner point andexterior pointof a quadric and its plane of the type of contact ...
Internal一External Locus of Control Scale (Rotter,1996) 所谓心理控制源是指人们对行为或事件结局的一般性看法,这一连续谱的一极是内在性,另一极则是外在性。 心理控制源的内在性(内控性)指的是人们相信自己应对事情结果负责,即个人的行为、个性和能力是事情发展的决定因素。而心理控制源的外在性(外控性)则...
Synonyms Helplessness ; Low self-efficacy Definition External locus of control is the belief that one's behavior will not lead to valued reinforcement that is available in the environment and therefore not under one's control. The occurrence of reinforcement is believed to be a function of ...
网络外在控制观 网络释义 1. 外在控制观 成功→努力 失败→疏忽 (二)外在控制观(externallocusofcontrol) 不愿意承担责任。 成功→幸运 失败→外在原因 ※不能只从单一 … yamol.tw|基于4个网页
of their behavior. Individuals with an internal locus of control personality tend to believe that events are determined by their own abilities and actions, and can be controlled and predicted by themselves. On the other hand, individuals with an external locus of control personality tend to ...
外控(External Locus of Control),相信外在力量决定自己的命运。2006-10-27 10:02:19 补充 张氏心理学辞典(张春兴教授,东… tw.knowledge.yahoo.com|基于23个网页 2. 外控点 社会工作专业英语词汇(E) ... external label 外部标记external locus of control外控点external motivation 外在动机 ... ...