For example, weight loss may be mentioned by an individual during a consultation, but this may not be coded in the notes. There may be variation in the proclivity of individual practitioners to input clinical codes. Further, there may be misclassification bias in the use of such data, e.g...
this is very unlikely to be achieved in practice, especially under conditions of driving rain. In order to provide a capillary break and to allow for drying of the inner surface of the rainscreen of a building envelope, a cavity between the envelope and wall is usually provided...
In line with the structure of the previous chapter, “EU External Labor Governance: Pointing Fingers or Lending a Hand?” is designed to illustrate how the EU promotes workers’ rights in Mexico, Morocco, and the Dominican Republic. Drawing on the analysis of the EU-Mexico GA, the EU-Morocc...
6s agencies Aj~s/z agency Aj~s/ agenda @jend@ agent Aj~t agents Aj~ts agerton agPt@n ages Aj6z aggressive @gres6v agility @jil6d/ agin Ag6n agins Ag6nz agitated aj6tAd6d agitation aj6tAS~ aglow @glO agnes agn@s agnew agnyU ago @gO agonies ag~/z agony ag~/ agoura @g?
Hence it would seem a grave mistake to say, withSearle, that “[o]nce we reject the idea that all weever perceive are our own perceptions, then wehave no epistemic basis for denying external real-ism” [43, p. 31].5 Direct Realism RevisitedIf the arguments advanced in the last ...
An eHMI can communicate in many ways; however, communicating an advice or an instruction to a road user in terms of what a road user should do can have grave consequences in terms of liability. While an automated vehicle has control over its own actions in traffic, it cannot control the ...