(Anatomy) the external genitals of human females, including the labia, mons veneris, clitoris, and the vaginal orifice [C16: from Latin: covering, womb, matrix] ˈvulval,ˈvulvar,vulvateadj vulviformadj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollin...
Fetal Genital Development | Overview, Start & ProcessLesson Transcript Instructors Adeola Awomolo View bio Heather Adewale View bio Amanda Robb View bio Learn about the external parts of the female reproductive system, including female internal and external genital anatomy, and how they work. ...
External Female Genital Anatomy skip to main content ProfessionalConsumer Consumer edition active ENGLISH MSD ManualConsumer Version At the center of this image is the vagina, a canal composed of smooth muscle. The small opening directly above it is the urethra, which is the opening from the ...
1997 . External anatomy of the female genital (eighth) limbs and the setose openings in myodocopid ostracodes (Cypridinidae). Acta Zoologica 78: 85 – 96 .Cohen, A. C. & J. G. Morin, 1997. External Anatomy of the female genital (eight) limbs and the setose openings in myodocopid ...
1. (Anatomy) the moist canal in most female mammals, including humans, that extends from the cervix of the uterus to an external opening between the labia minora 2. (Anatomy) anatomy biology any sheath or sheathlike structure, such as a leaf base that encloses a stem 3. (Biology) anatom...
(or skene’s glands) open into the lateral margins of the urethra through paraurethral ducts. function the external urethral orifice allows for urine to be discharged from the urethra. complete anatomy the world's most advanced 3d anatomy platform ...
Use the lines on the diagram to cut a similar pattern, avoiding the genital area. Gently peel the skin from the muscles, using scissors and a probe to tease away muscles that stick to the skin. Muscles are attached to bones by connective tissue called tendons that adhere to spines, knobs...
Given below is a diagram of the external features of the heart: Name the parts 1 to 7. View Solution Given below is a diagram of the external features of the heart: What happens if the coronary artery gets an internal clot? View Solution Given below is a diagram of the external feat...