This study examines firm technology strategy in Sri Lanka. Based on case studies of thirteen high-performing Sri Lankan firms and other empirical evidence, technology strategies of Sri Lankan firms are described and the causes for the observed strategies are investigated. The effects of external ...
external student[ɪkˈstɜːn əl ˈstjuːd ənt] EXTERNAL STUDENT在英语中的意思是什么? 在英语 词典里external student的定义 词典中的外部学生的定义是在校外学习大学学科的学生。 原始定义 英语近义词词典里external student的近义词和反义词 ...
Exploring home-to-school trip mode choices in Kandy, Sri Lanka 2022, Journal of Transport Geography Citation Excerpt : These aspects make the mode choices of school children different from the mode choices of adults. There are remarkable differences between school trips and non-school trips, partic...
These pressures enter into play in contemporary cultures throughout the world and have likely entered into play throughout the entire history of translation activity. They impact on pragmatic and literary translators alike, though they may differ in degree. However, generally speaking, the same ones...
It does not result in significant condensation and does not shed particles to any significant degree. Any surface water can be easily wiped off or dried out. PVC is a preferred material for cladding walls in hotels, restaurants, hospitals, diaries and such establishments where hy...
was built and executed to uphold the true meaning of "Quality First" to the highest degree. 4). Our Customers IDEABOND has been cooperating with customers from over 100 countries, such as USA, Mexico, New Zealand, Spain, Greece, Brazil, Thailand, Serbia, Pakistan, In...
was built and executed to uphold the true meaning of "Quality First" to the highest degree. 4). Our Customers IDEABOND has been cooperating with customers from over 100 countries, such as USA, Mexico, New Zealand, Spain, Greece, Brazil, Thailand, Serbia, Pakistan...
ecological levels: from individuals to species to communities in mangrove ecosystems from across the globe, using a stable isotope approach. A two end-member mixing model showed a wide range (12–72%) in degree of reliance on mangrove food sources by fishes from different studies across the ...
The novelty of this work lies in the elliptical air holes in the fiber cladding, which greatly influence the CL spectrum, offering an additional degree of freedom and flexibility to tune the optical response of the plasmonic system compared to a uniform circular-hole fiber sensor. The proposed ...
The factor loadings and reliability are shown in Table 2, and the discriminant validity correlation between variables is shown in Table 3. At the construct degree, the square root of the AVEs in the diagonal cells for each construct are larger than any correlation between this construct and any...