OSError: (External) Cublas error, `CUBLAS_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED`. The cuBLAS library was not initialized. (at /paddle/paddle/fluid/platform/cuda_helper.h:98) 0 收藏 回复 全部评论(8) 时间顺序 李长安 #2 回复于2021-08 sudo rm -rf ~/.nv/ 0 回复 JavaRoom #3 回复于2021-08 ...
OSError: (External) CUBLAS error(13). [Hint: 'CUBLAS_STATUS_EXECUTION_FAILED'. The GPU program failed to execute. This is often caused by a launch failure of the kernel on the GPU, which can be caused by multiple reasons. To correct: check that the hardware, an appropriate version of...
We've received your issue and please be patient to get responded. We will arrange technicians to...
Closed import torch后paddle报错OSError: (External) CUBLAS error(15).#54063 linjiecccopened this issueMay 23, 2023· 3 comments Assignees Labels status/closetype/bug-report Comments bug描述 Describe the Bug importtorchimportpaddlelinear=paddle.nn.Linear(2,4)x=paddle.randn((3,2),dtype="float32...
请问进行推理时报错,ExternalError: CUBLAS error(15). [Hint: Please search for the error code(15) on website (https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cublas/index.html#cublasstatus_t) to get Nvidia's official solution and advice about CUBLAS Error.] (at /paddle/paddle/phi/kernels/funcs/blas/blas_...
Hi! We've received your issue and please be patient to get responded. We will arrange ...
RuntimeError: cublas64_100.dll not found.问题描述:问题:百度paddle框架,图像分类识别任务时,运行时出现BUG:RuntimeError: cublas64_100.dll not found: 原因分析: 第一种可能是没有安装CUDA可以搜索CUDA和cudnn的安装。 同时提醒,当前时间下,Paddlepaddle不支持CUDA9.1 ...
#include <cublas_v2.h> #include <curand.h> #include "kernel.cuh" #pragma onceusing namespace std ;#define row_liver 345 #define col_liver 7 #define data_train 242 #define data_test 103 #define row_liver_col_liver 2415 #define row_x_train 242 * 7 #define BLOCK_DIM 16/...
Hi! We've received your issue and please be patient to get responded. We will arrange ...
#include <cublas_v2.h> #include <curand.h> #include "kernel.cuh" #pragma onceusing namespace std ;#define row_liver 345 #define col_liver 7 #define data_train 242 #define data_test 103 #define row_liver_col_liver 2415 #define row_x_train 242 * 7 #define BLOCK_DIM 16/...