The other vein, deeper in this region, is the internal jugular vein. The internal jugular vein is commonly used for central venous catheterization. Anomaly in the course and termination of both external and Internal Jugular Veins (IJV) are critical as they serve as an important route/site to ...
formed by the junction of the posterior auricular and the retromandibular veins; empties into the subclavian vein 相似短语 external jugular vein外颈静脉,颈外静脉,颈外静脉 jugular veinn.[解] 颈静脉 anterior jugular vein颈前静脉,颈前静脉
Related to External female genitalia:female internal genitalia vul·va (vŭl′və)·vasalsovul·vae(-vē) The external genitals of the female, including the labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, and vestibule of the vagina. ...
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Sixty-five free flaps were anastomosed to the external jugular (EJ) vein and 86 to the IJ system (62 to the proximal common facial vein, 17 end-side on the IJ, and 7 to other branches). Five had either two venous anastomoses or were anastomosed to other veins and were excluded ...
Related to External jugular veins:vena jugularis Graphic Thesaurus🔍 DisplayON AnimationON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> vena jugularis jugular vein jugular external j... noun nounformed by the junction of the posterior auricular and the retromandibular veins ...
Only the larger veins will be described in this section. Veins of the Head and Neck Theexternal jugular veinis the most important vein draining blood from the head and neck in the rat, in contrast to man where the internal jugular is the most important vein. In the rat, theexternal jugul...
motivation- the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior; "we did not understand his motivation"; "he acted with the best of motives" ...
Variations of the External and Internal Jugular Veins: A Fetal Study/Variaciones de las Venas Yugulares Externas e Internas: Estudio Fetal External jugular vein became less popular, because of confluence with the subclavian vein at an inappropriate angle and the tip gets caught in the ostium of...
internal iliac vein. Both the external and internal iliac veins continue to ascend and merge to form the common iliac veins. The common iliac veins from both sides of the body ascend to approximately the level of the 4th lumbar vertebra. At this level, the common iliac veins merge...