Grade 1:Internal hemorrhoid bulges into the canal but does not prolapse or fall completely into it. These may bleed. Grade 2:Hemorrhoid protrudes past the anal verge with straining for a bowel movement or passage of flatus but spontaneously returns to its original internal position once the st...
ainternal hemorrhoid, external hemorrhoid, mixed hemorrhoid or fistula, blood in the stool, rectal prolapsed inching anus . 内部hemorrhoid、外在hemorrhoid、混杂的hemorrhoid或者瘘,血液在凳子,直肠脱出的移动的后门。[translate]
aimaginaries, which are twofold imaginaries,两重[translate] ainternal hemorrhoid, external hemorrhoid, mixed hemorrhoid or fistula, blood in the stool, rectal prolapsed inching anus etc. 内部hemorrhoid、外在hemorrhoid、混杂的hemorrhoid或者瘘、血液在凳子,直肠脱出的移动的后门等。[translate]...
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: Hemorrhoidectomy, internal & external Hemorrhoidectomy, internal & external分享到: 内外痔完全切除术分类: 外科手术词汇 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释:以下为句子列表:分享到: ...
Internal and external hemorrhoids can become infected. Whether you have internal or external hemorrhoid infection, you may experience:Bleeding during bowel movements Itching around the anal area. This is very common in the first stages of infection because the disease spreads around the anal area. ...
These are blood vessels which are actually found in the rectum and are responsible for supplying blood to muscles and walls in the rectum. They sometime get inflamed or swollen resulting in a very serious condition . There are external and internal hemorrhoids. ...
临床上一种最常见的肛门疾病,英国人Thomson在1975年提出了痔的近代概念:痔是直肠下端的肛垫出现了病理性肥大。根据发生部位的不同,痔可分为内痔、外痔和混合痔。目前认为内痔(Internal hemorrhoid)是肛垫(肛管血管垫)的支持结构、血管丛及动静脉吻合支发生的病理性改变或移位。外痔(External hemorrhoid)是齿状线远侧...
internal hemorrhoidal diseaseexternal hemorrhoidal diseasemedical treatmenthemorrhoidectomyflavonoidThe aim of this study was to assess the medical treatment in comparison with hemorrhoidectomy in the management of primary grade-4 internal hemorrhoidal disease (IH) and external hemorrhoidal disease (CH). ...
Hemorrhoid is a part of the rectal area which helps in the ease of bowel movement. It is composed of sensitive blood vessels. When continual tension is applied onto the pelvic area, hemorrhoids become inflamed and irritated. Inflamed hemorrhoids can bring so much discomfort to the affected person...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook ex·ter·nal hem·or·rhoids dilated veins forming tumors at the outer side of the external sphincter. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 external hemorrhoids Surgery Engorged veins under the anal skin. CfInternal hemorrhoids. ...