(Anatomy) the external genitals of human females, including the labia, mons veneris, clitoris, and the vaginal orifice [C16: from Latin: covering, womb, matrix] ˈvulval,ˈvulvar,vulvateadj vulviformadj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollin...
Reframing the conversation around the 'gender-reveal': How revealing fetal anatomy, not gender, is inclusive Myth #5: diVa Laser Vaginal Therapy can improve the look of external genitalia. The diVa system is designed to treat the vaginal canal and does not affect the intimate area's outward ...
Below the vagina is the anus. Above the urethra is the clitoris, a body of erectile tissue that is homologous to the penis. The vagina is surrounded by the labia minora, which are surrounded by the labia majora. The pubic bone is at top. The purple tissue is a continuation of the ...
External Female Reproductive Anatomy The area between the opening of the vagina and the anus, below the labia majora, is called the perineum. It varies in length from almost 1 to more than 2 inches (2 to 5 centimeters). The labia majora and the perineum are covered wi...
External Female Reproductive Anatomy The area between the opening of the vagina and the anus, below the labia majora, is called the perineum. It varies in length from almost 1 to more than 2 inches (2 to 5 centimeters). The labia majora and the perineum are covered with s...
In surgery, knowledge of the anatomy of the female external genitalia is crucial when it comes to repairing, reconstructing, or preventing undesirable defects to the genitals. Some common procedures done to the female external genitalia are episiotomy, labioplasty, and vaginoplasty. ...
The external pudendal vein receives the anterior scrotal and superficial dorsal vein of penis (male), or the anterior labial and superficial dorsal vein of clitoris (female). Structures Drained The external pudendal vein drains the skin of anterior scrotum/labia and penis/clitoris, including the pre...
In addition, normal anatomical variations of the penis and scrotum are commonly observed, which may further confound the correct diagnosis of the innumerous conditions affecting the region. Therefore, understanding the basic notions of the male genital embryology and functional anatomy, as well as the...
The normal anatomy of the penis includes the prepuce (foreskin), glans, urethral meatus, coronal sulcus, and penile shaft. The ventral surface of the penile shaft has the median raphe that is contiguous with the scrotal raphe. Anomalies of the penis and scrotum are common and may be congenita...
Anatomy▶Pelvis▶Organs▶Male External Genital Organs The male genital organs are classified into 2 types- external and internal. From surgical and clinical perspective, the male external genital organs contain these structures: Penis. Scrotum. ...