The polycarbonate material yields an exterior shutter that retards flying objects and withstands substantial stresses from wind loads.Grover M. BlackwellHarry H. Rembert Jr.US7036286 * Jul 6, 2001 May 2, 2006 Blackwell Grover M Exterior window coverings...
It was time to redecorate our living room. I had some ideas about what I wanted to do but was not quite sure. Working with Marian was unbelievably helpful.She was able to help me decide what to keep and how to mix in new furniture to give our space a more updated feel.I just love...
阳光房采用玻璃与金属框架搭建的全明非传统建筑,以达到享受阳光,亲近自然的目的。阳光房是国内外追求自然、时尚人士所推崇的建筑。阳光房还具有节能隔热、高效隔音、自然通风、有效排水、易于清洁等多方面的功能,目前广泛应用于写字楼以及现代化家居场所。 系统结构分析图: ...
电动防风卷帘是采用管状电机为动力,主要用于防风遮阳的一种电动化卷帘机构。具有防风抗震,简约美观,自然环保,遮光等优异性能,方便实用。目前广泛应用于新干线,豪华巴士,各式体育场馆,写字楼,会议室,精密设备厂房,无尘工厂和现代化家居场所。 系统结构分析图:
Dynamically controlling exterior and interior window coverings through IoT for environmental friendly smart homesHeatingSmart homesMeteorologyTemperature sensorsIEEE 802.11 StandardEnergy saving using smart home is of paramount importance to reduce heating and cooling energy consumption, and promote sustainable ...