extensive stage small cell lung cancer (SCLC).Methods:We identified patients with SCLC in 2017 using ICD-10 diagnosis (Dx) and drug codes in the 2016-20 Medicare Parts A/B/D 100% Research Identifiable Files. Patients had 1+ lung cancer Dx and continuous enrollment in Parts A/B/D from ...
SCLC: Small cell lung cancer ES-SCLC: Extensive-stage small cell lung cancer FDA: The Food and Drug Administration AEs: Adverse Events SAEs: Severe Adverse Events ORR: Objective Response Rate DCR: Disease control rate DOR: Duration of response PFS: Progression-Free Survival OS: Ov...
SCLC: small cell lung cancer; ES-SCLC: extensive-stage SCLC; LS-SCLC: limited-stage SCLC. Despite encouraging findings in early exploratory researches [22,23], Food and Drug Administration approval of single-agent ICI, nivolumab (anti-PD-1) and pembrolizumab (anti-PD-1), for pretreated SCLC...
依沃西单抗(AK112)联合伊立替康脂质体二线治疗免疫耐药广泛期小细胞肺癌(Extensive stage small cell lung cancer,ES-SCLC)的II期临床研究项目名称,国卫人遗审字〔2024〕GH0726号审批号,出口出境审批类型,浙江省肿瘤医院医疗机构,广东医疗机构所在省份,来源于药智数据