What is intensive farming? What is intensive farming of animals? What are some intensive farming practices? What are some examples of fodder crops? What is extensive pastoral farming? What is non-intensive farming? What is an example of shifting agriculture?
The change from hunting and gathering to farming was associated with important demographic and cultural changes in different parts of the world. The process involving changes in lifestyle and in material culture, such as the introduction of pottery, has often been referred to as the Neolithic trans...
SHEEP farmingSHEEP breedingSUSTAINABILITYHEALTH of sheepPASTORAL societiesThe main purpose of the paper is to highlight the millennial tradition of large-scale sheep husbandry in Romania (transhumance practices from the past) by adapting technologies, to preserve this extensive system, even ...
Summarize the use of subsistence agriculture and extensive farming in Africa.Agriculture in Africa:The two main drivers of the African economy are agriculture and tourism. Many African countries have primarily agrarian economies. African farmers utilize a variety of farming practices for cro...
Users of decentralized finance products normally engage in what’s known as ‘yield farming‘, which generally involves staking or committing all or a portion of their crypto assets to a ‘DeFi lending protocol’ – which is usually a smart contract that automatically generates yields for its user...
Hence, applying other sustainable practices that may help vines cope with the extra competition imposed by the presence of cover crops will be particularly important for a widespread adoption. These may include careful timing of cover crop management, as well as the inoculation with microbial ...
are growing increasingly louder. While modern agriculture technology has resulted in an abundance of food, new developments such as genetically modified crops, pesticides, fertilizers are under increased scrutiny, which poses a threat to the gains made by no-till and other conservation practices. ...
Extensive shrimp farming around Deep Bay, Hong Kong, began in the mid-1940’s after the construction of intertidal ponds (gei wai) among the coastal mangroves. The ponds are increasingly being seen as an example of how wetlands can be used sustainably since they are naturally stocked with ...
Grazing practices can play an important role in the management of natural capital. Pastoral activities represent an important farming practice in many parts of the world. They typically occur across large areas and make significant contributions to local, regional and global economies [62]. However,...
European farmers engaged in extensive grazing often struggle economically and are in urgent need of more financial support. Yet the subsidies of the current CAP favour more intensive, less sustainable farming, while failing to support those engaged in extensive grazing,pastoralism, and the management ...