针对你遇到的 error: extension "postgis" already exists 错误,以下是一些详细的解决步骤和建议: 1. 确认"postgis"扩展是否已存在 首先,你需要确认 PostgreSQL 数据库中是否已存在 PostGIS 扩展。你可以通过以下 SQL 查询来检查: sql SELECT * FROM pg_extension WHERE extname = 'postgis'; 如果查询结果返回...
Pull Requests:How to create a pull request 描述¶ I am hitting an error on Django 1.7 master, PostgreSQL 9.3.2, postgis 2.1.1. 'django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: extension "postgis" already exists' when running tests. Changing "CREATE EXTENSION postgis" to "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS...
"postgis" "3.2.3" "3.2.3" "PostGIS geometry and geography spatial types and functions" -- CREATE EXTENSION postgis_raster; ERROR: extension "postgis_raster" already exists SQL state: 42710 -- NOTE: if postgis_raster already exists then pg_available_extensions should have showed that, seem...
For example, the following command enables the PostGIS extension for the dbname database. docker run --name postgresql -itd \ --env 'DB_NAME=dbname' --env 'DB_POSTGIS=true' \ sameersbn/postgresql:9.4-11 Additionally, creation of PostGIS topology extension can be enabled by specifying DB_...
Be sure to enable the PostGIS extension if you haven't already done so: defmoduleMyApp.Repo.Migrations.EnablePostgisdouseEcto.Migrationdefupdoexecute"CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS postgis"enddefdowndoexecute"DROP EXTENSION IF EXISTS postgis"endend ...
ALTER ROLE adminuser SET extwlist.extensions = 'pg_stat_statements, postgis'; extwlist.custom_path Filesystem path where to look forcustom scripts. Usage That's quite simple: $ edit postgresql.conf to add local_preload_libraries, custom_variable_classes and extwlist.extensions dim=# show ...
NOTE:if you are already using a PostgreSQL-descendant as an adapter (for example, the awesomePostGIS adapter), you'll need to read through the "Alternate Adapters" section below. Butdon't panic, it's 100% supported by PGCrypto. Generate the required files using the included generator. ...
There was a discussion on postgis about upgrading and that reminded me that we probably need a an upgrade from 2.0.0 to 2.1.0 script. For an example look at /usr/share/postgresql/9.4/extension/postgis--2.0.0--2.1.7.sql. @robe2 might be a...
@RobAtticusI have the same issue - the image tag used was:timescale/timescaledb-postgis:1.3.1-pg11and I get the same error; maybe look into it? Sorry, something went wrong. Copy link Member RobAtticuscommentedJun 24, 2019 Okay, we're releasing 1.3.2 so anything on master should be...
ALTER ROLE adminuser SET extwlist.extensions = 'pg_stat_statements, postgis'; extwlist.custom_path Filesystem path where to look for custom scripts. extwlist.extname_from_filename When this flag is set to true, custom_path is interpreted as the only directory to look for all custom scri...