LINQ functionality is enabled by default in version 3.5 projects, which means you get all the extension methods defined in System.Core.Dll. You can confirm this by looking at the default assemblies references and imported namespaces—going to Project Properties | References | Imported Namespaces will...
Supported identifiers for integrations:Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Cloud.Integration: integrates with Azure DevOps Services Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server.Integration: integrates with Azure DevOps Server Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Integration: integrates with both. Shortcut for Microsoft.VisualStudio....
It seems like the extension doesn't spin up the logs processor unless I invoke my lambda again, but this could just be because the async processing means any logs made in the Processors call method aren't spit out until they're resolved. I've seen some calls to kinesis succeed, but oth...
For .NET Framework 4 implementations, if types want to perform special processing when setting properties by markup extension rather than by other means, types should be defined withXamlSetMarkupExtensionAttributeattributes applied. The attribute specifies a callback, which is typically defined as a pr...
We have supported some most common authentication schemes likeBasic Auth,Digest Auth,SSL Client Certificates,Azure Active Directory(Azure AD)andAWS Signature v4. Basic Auth HTTP Basic Auth is a widely used protocol for simple username/password authentication. We supportthreeformats of Authorization head...
However, based on the level of symbol resolution available, the function symbol I’m looking for may or may not be in the expected frame. If you open the test01 x86 dump file and don’t specify a symbol path, you can see an example of this. The KERNELBASE!Sleep call will be in fra...
However, when invoking an editor command not all argument types are supported. This is a sample that registers a command handler and adds an entry for that command to the palette. First register a command handler with the identifier extension.sayHello. commands.registerCommand('extension.sayHello',...
You cannot have X++ logic that depends on the integer value of Enum values (For example.If (Enum1.v1 > Enum1.v2) not supported for extensible enums) When Enum values of extensible Enums are synchronized into the database: ...
This means the object itself must not under any circumstances store any application specific state and must be shareable between different applications.The Extension Code Here’s the contents of the for copy/paste: import sqlite3 from flask import current_app, _app_ctx_stack ...
Becoming overextended can be out of the control of a firm's management. For example, during a steep economic downturn, such as arecession, a company's financial condition can materially deteriorate largely out of the company's control. During tough economic times, it is not uncommon for a ...