have been the object of intense study. Both discrete and continuous models have been analysed in detail, and a full understanding is available of the free energy, the phase diagram and the typical polymer configurations as a function of the underlying model parameters.Disordered...
In the non-relativistic case we choose the fieldsuas the densitiesF0. The requirement of concavity demands that the entropy densityh0be a concave function of the variablesF0: ∂2h0∂F0∂F0∼negativedefinite. ((4)) In the relativistic case we choose the fieldsuas the densitiesFζ=FAζA...
functionphd = helperInitGGIWFilter(varargin)% helperInitGGIWFilter A function to initialize the GGIW-PHD filter for the% Extended Object Tracking example% Create a ggiwphd filter using 5 states and the constant turn-rate models.phd = ggiwphd(zeros(5,1),eye(5),...'StateTransitionFcn',@const...
1 are master nodes which belong to an 8-node shell element in the midsurface.The white nodes are slave nodes which belong to a quadratic solid element.A,ber connects with two slave nodes and one master node together.Therefore, the transition matrix between these two elements can be shown ...
Then, an extended functional design approach (function–working principle–property–structure) is proposed in Section 4. Section 5 illustrates the conceptual design of a self-adaptive luggage transfer device. Finally, Section 6 concludes this paper. 2. Background Conceptual design is a solution ...
2.1.2. Standard Extended Target Dynamic Model The targets survive from time k − 1 to time k with the probability ps(ξk−1), which is called the survival probability and moves with a single target transition density fk|k−1(ξζ) of state ξ given ζ, where ξ is an extended ...
machines Review Human–Machine Interface in Transport Systems: An Industrial Overview for More Extended Rail Applications Simon Enjalbert 1 , Livia Maria Gandini 2, Alexandre Pereda Baños 3, Stefano Ricci 2,* and Frederic Vanderhaegen 1 1 Department of Automation and Control, Université ...