=== Delphi 5.0=== Boolean = 1 smallint = 2 Char = 1 integer = 4 longint = 4 single = 4以上是每种数据类型的字节长度。 real = 8 double = 8 extended = 10很明显,大大extended转换为integer型是不安然的。所以我建议你修改你应用数据类型,不然你的法度榜样也是不稳定的....
声明了一个名叫TClass的类类型,它是从类TObject继承下来的。注意,在Delphi中,类 名一般都是以T打...
function Int(X: Extended): Extended; round 四舍五入 trunc 去掉小数点后面的部分取整 ━━━ procedure TForm1.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject); var a : extended; b : int64; begin a := 2132123323211.005; b := round(a); caption := currtostr(b); end; 不知道是不是你的意思? ━━━ 如...
Delphi中Integer的范围是 -232~ 232- 1; Extended的范围是 3.6 * 10-4951~ 1.1 * 104932 所以可以考虑用Extended类型接收Integer类型运算的结果 Exe文件包含两个部分,一部分是编译后的程序指令,另一部分是程序运行所需的资源库。 const定义的字符串常量保存需要编译,而ResourceString定义的字符串保存在程序资源中,...
I have a typical graphics problem but don't know how to do it with Delphi. Any suggestions would be appreciated!varStartAngle : Extended;StartAngle := Arc.Radius * Cos(Arc.StartAngle);//so far, so goodImage1.Canvas.Arc(...Integer(StartAngle)...);// compiler won't let me do ...
Go Up to Delphi Compiler Directives (List) Index Type Switch Syntax {$X+} or {$X-} {$EXTENDEDSYNTAX ON} or {$EXTENDEDSYNTAX OFF} Default {$X+} {$EXTENDEDSYNTAX ON} Scope Global Remarks Note: The $X directive is provided for backward compatibility. You should not use the {...
Up to Parent: System Delphi type Extended = { built-in type }; C++ typedef long double Extended; // 10 byte real PropertiesTypeVisibilitySourceUnitParent type typedef public System.pas sysmac.h System SystemDescriptionRepresents a high-precision floating-point value. ...
I've deliberately indicated the fields using a dot (a rare case of Visual Basic syntax being superior to Delphi). So it is necessary to overload '.' and look at the previous token: if it isn't a case likename.or].then we prepend the table. Otherwise, the operator must simplypass ...
>> If FPC is ever ported to such a machine and if a built-in integer type of >> 128 bit would then be added for constants (the second would not >> automatically follow from the first), then the behaviour /might/ change. >> Just like it did from Turbo Pascal to Delphi ($ffffff...
fpc. The behaviour, in both FPC and Delphi modes, is by design. > By the way, what do you do when you want to port fpc to a one's comlement > machine (if they still exist)? Is $FFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF equal to 0 then?