Thanks for reporting this to us. Would you mind sharing the link you used to install the Asian Font pack? Let us know if you have been through this link and received the pack not compatible error....
Hello, I need to load the Extended Asian Font Pack on Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 2021.001.20150. The only font packs I can find are for the older versions. Can anyone supply the link to the right version or where to download it? I tried the link in a previous thread but no good. ...
我用Adobe Reader打开某些pdf文件的时候,提示说a font package is required to correctly display this page然后我点击确定就下了标题的那个软件。我将它安装在了Adobe Reader的某个目录下,可是打开之前那个文件的时候还是会出现那个样的提示。究竟应该怎么安装呢?并且,特别郁闷的是,这个新软件的文件夹没法手动删除!
Windows Mac Back to list Software NameExtended Asian Language font pack for Adobe Acrobat Reader DC 19.021.20058 Version19.021.20058 PlatformWindows VendorAdobe Acrobat DC Architecture32-bit Download PathAcroRdrDC1500720033_en_US.exe Silent Installation Sw...
LATEST Hi there Please try to install the 64 bit font pack from the link and see if that works for you. Regards Amal Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply Resources...
Solved: I cannot install Extended Asian Language Pack for Adobe Reader DC. The error message shows that I was trying to install one for Adobe Reader X but - 7496574
Hope you are doing well and sorry for the trouble.As described you want to download the Extended Asian Font Pack for Adobe Acrobat reader DC Please check out the correct answermarked in a simlar discussion
I have purchased and installed Adobe Acrobat Standard on my computer. Do you know where to download the Asian and Extended Language Pack for Adobe Acrobat Standard? I can find Asian and Extended Language Pack for Adobe Reader only, NOT for Adobe Acrobat Standard. https:/...
I was doing some manual cleaning on my local disk and to my surprise, the largest "program" I had installed was the Extended Asian Language font pack for Adobe Reader XI, taking up 26.4GB of space on my computer. Is this font pack suppose...
I need to load the Extended Asian Font Pack on Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 2020.006.20042. All of the font packs taht I can find are for the older versions. Can anyone point me in the direction of the right version and where to download it? TOPICS General troubleshooting , Install update...