I had the chance to study at a British secondary school as an exchange student.I shook hands and ___ (exchange) a few words with the manager.I am going to travel abroad, so I want to exchange some RMB ___ dollars in the bank.He’s giving her French lessons in exchange ___ her...
2.换句话说inotherwords 3.与……紧密联系becloselylinkedwith 4.除了……之外(还)inadditionto 5.使某人意识到makesbawareof 6.购买的欲望adesiretobuy 7.发起一场广告活动launchanadvertisingcampaign 8.以……为基础bebasedon 9.说服某人做某事persuadesbtodosth/persuadesbintodoingsth 10.引起我们的情感共鸣ap...
So, plan to say something a little embarrassing about yourself in a conversation. The point is, you’ll prove to yourself it’s OK to be not always right. That way you’ll feel free to be social with people. Li...
I will leave the readers with Plato's words: “Love is a desire for the perpetual possession of the good.” (Plato, 1951) May it be known that even if Love causes several things that are Bad, we as humans, ultimately still seek for it because we are always drawn to what is Good...
1... it is a waste of the public purse and does nothing to enhance the quality of our lives.(lines 6-7) enhancev.提高,改善,增强/ɪnˈhæns/ to enhance something means to improve its value, quality, or attractiveness.提高 Large paintings can enhance the feeling of space in small...
Step 7 Chinese Sports idioms 1.百发百中 It means shooting with unfailing accuracy. It is used to describe excellent shooting skills. It is also used when someone is quite certain of something. 2.闻鸡起舞 It means getting up early in the morning upon hearing the crow of a rooster and pract...
Apartfrompersonaldevelopment,assumingresponsibilityforyouractionsisalsoimportantforthebettermentofsociety.Thelittlethingsyoudocanmake(6)___difference! ;Workingtogether,wehavethepowerto(7)___(gradual)butcontinuouslychangeoursocietyforthebetter. Sometimes,(8)___(responsibility...
We expect too much with little direction. The advice that I give parents is to set clear rules and stay consistent, even repeated.1. What did E do on Facebook when believing A was whispering about her? A.She made unfair comments about A. B.She challenged A to fight against her. C...
课后句子 7 The teacher persist in being strict with the students. 8 This little girl love her father very much. 赞 回应 7于婷婷RedCros 2012-09-03 08:48:59 10.when the dusk drawn on, the day came into dark. When the dusk drawn on, the day to fade away. 赞 回应 7王天骄 201...
Studentswillfinditalittlebithardforthemto: 1.describehowVRworks; 2.imaginewhatthefuturelifewillbewithVRdevelopment. 教学过程: Step1Lead-in Watchashortvideo:WhatisVirtualReality? TalkaboutwithSs:WhatwordsorphrasesSshavegotinthevideo? Examples:modernconcept;VRheadset;digitally;images;3dimensions;interact...