States Extend ADV II Deadline.The article reports on the decision of some states in the U.S., including Michigan and Texas, to extended the deadline of filing for ADV II forms.EBSCO_bspFund Action
- expand则更多用于描述物体体积的增加或规模的扩大,如"The city is expanding its public transportation system"(城市正在扩大其公共交通系统)。3. 语境区别:- extend更多地与时间、权力、邀请等抽象概念相关联,如"The government extended the deadline for filing taxes"(政府延长了报税截止日期)。
To straighten a limb, to diminish or extinguish the angle formed by flexion; to place the distal segment of a limb in such a position that its axis is continuous with that of the proximal segment. [L.ex- tendo,pp.-tensus,to stretch out] ...
The parties may agreetoextendthedeadlineforthe filing of the response however no such extension shall be for more than [--][calendar] days]. 当事人可以就延长提出答复的最后期限达成约定,但此种延期不得超过[--][个日历]日]。
27 filing in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California push back the decree's existing Aug. 31 deadline to the start of October for the agency to act on activists' petition to change state implementation plans (SIPs) - air quality plans for meeting national ambient ...
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - EU antitrust regulators have extended their deadline for a decision on Microsoft's $69 billion acquisition of "Call of Duty" maker Activision to April 25, according to a European Commission filing on Wednesday. The Xbox maker announced the Activision Bl...
Tom Wolf's administration is asking the state Supreme Court to extend deadlines for mail-in ballots to be received in the November election when Pennsylvania will be a premier presidential battleground. The filing, submitted after hours Thursday to the state's highest court, cited a ...
延长轨道advancing the track 延长号{音} pause 延长率rate elongation 延长器extender; pad 延长使用寿命increase of service life 延长索赔期extend the time for filing claims 双语例句 1. He favors extending the school day and school year. 他赞成增加每天的课时并延长学年。
4) The deadline will be extended two days. 期限放宽两天。 5) grace for the filing of an application [专]提出申请的宽限期 6) grace period for the filing of an application 提出申请的宽限期 补充资料:投保犹豫期、缴费宽限期和观望期
The IRS typically grants extensions to anyone who requests them. You can request an extension to extend your tax deadline by filing electronically through an authorized e-file provider. There's no need to explain why you need more time. However, remember, an extension gives you more time to...