Use Case Diagram ;<extend>>),箭头从子用例指向基用例。包含(include):include为包含关系,当两个或多个用例中共用一组相同的动作,这时可以将这组相同的动作抽出来作为一个独立的...此贴转自:peterwei (主题:UML用例图之泛化(generalization)、扩展(extend)和包含(include)关系--UML一波流系列讲解),仅做以后工作...
Use Case Diagram 例,即使没有子用例的参与,也可以完成一个完整的功能。extend的基用例中将存在一个扩展点,只有当扩展点被激活时,子用例才会被执行。 extend关系在用例图中使用带箭头的虚线表示(在线上标注<<extend>;>),箭头从子用例指向基用例。 包含(include): include为包含关系,当两个或多个用例...
用例描述了一个演员和感兴趣的系统之间的一系列交互,以达到某种特定目标,并由某种触发事件引发。用例满足需求或为演员解决问题。用例图包含一组用例,可以通过从每个角色的不同角度讲述系统将如何使用的“故事”来开发。 用例图指南 确保每个用例都能满足可观察的用户目标 用例图没有显示用例的细节:它仅概括用例,参与者...
Include use cases are used to represent functionality that is shared across multiple use cases. They allow you to avoid duplicating the same functionality across multiple use cases, and instead refer to a single use case that contains the shared functionality. This can help...
This section describes the Extend Notation used in a UML Use Case Diagram. An Extend Notation presents an extension relation between two use cases where one acts as the base use case and the other acts as an add-on use case.
扩展关系的标识法,带有箭头的虚线,附近带有关键字«扩展»(« extend »),和包含关系一样,扩展关系并不是一种依赖。扩展关系要传达的是,当目标端的用例,位于扩展关系的箭头端被触发时,源端的扩展用例可能选择性的执行,这意味着扩展关系目标端的用例自动完成(当满足触发条件时)。
Theresultof thebehavior that theinclusion use casespecifies, not the behavior itself,is important to the base use case. Include relationships usually do not have names. If you name an include relationship, the name is displayed beside the include connector in the diagram. ...
To use the methods, you must add a project reference to the .NET assembly Microsoft.VisualStudio.ArchitectureTools.Extensibility.dll, and you must include the directive using Microsoft.VisualStudio.ArchitectureTools.Extensibility.Uml; in your code....
SendAndReceiveReply SendBackward Sendreply SendSignalAction SendTest SendToBack SendToFSI Sequence SequenceCluster SequenceDiagram SequenceFile SerialKey Serialport ServerDatabase ServerMethod Serverreport ServerRoleMembership ServerRunTest Serversettings ServerTest ServiceBusQueueListTrid ServiceBusQueueTrid Service...
CalculatorLibrary and another for the tests that cover passing the Doubles (seeFigure 5). Note that I did not include any of the manual tests since the build will be happening in the background with no human interaction. This data is saved in the .vsmdi file, which is checked into ...