Alternate Conversation Camera by NasiGorengCumi and NasGorTelorCeplokCompatibilityThis mod is not compatible with Female Facial Animation, because it replaces the same files. The morphing files for facial expressions are greatly affected by the shape of the face, so please use the one you prefer....
Official Repository for CVPR 2023 paperX-Avatar: Expressive Human Avatars. We propose an animatible implicit human avatar model capable of capturing human body pose, hand pose, facial expressions, and appearance. X-Avatar can be created from 3D scans or RGB-D images. We also contribute a new...
However, these super-resolution modules may reduce the intensity of facial emotions. The sample results after super-resolution processing are in the output_video folder. Acknowledgements We extend our heartfelt thanks for the invaluable contributions made by preceding works to the development of Dream...