🐞昆虫旅馆「建造记」 EYFS七大学习领域(UTW&EAD)🐛 🌲认识世界Understand the World(UTW)了解不同昆虫的习性与生活环境,明白生物多样性的重要性。为小昆虫们打造一个家,感受与自然亲近的温暖与幸福,懂得如何爱护身边的一切。🏠艺术表达与设计Expressive Arts and Design(EAD)利用大自然和生活中的寻找到的材料...
Within the EYFS there are 2 areas linked to Expressive Arts and Design: Exploring Media and Materials: where the children have many opportunities to sing songs, make music and take part in drama activities. They are taught how to use materials and tools safely as well as exploring and experim...