Broca’s aphasia LossoflanguageabilityduetodamageinBroca'sarea(Brodmannarea44and45),characterisedbytelegraphicspeechinwhichthemeaningisusuallyclearbutthegrammaticalconnectingwordsaremissing,withretainedcomprehension. Aetiology Stroke,usuallyduetothromboembolism;lesscommonlyduetobraintumours,cerebralhaemorrhage,extraduralhaemato...
EXPRESS. That which is made known, and not left to implication. The opposite of implied. It is a rule, that when a matter or thing is expressed, it ceases to be implied by law: expressum facit cessare tacitum. Co. Litt. 183; 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 97. ...
More recently, semantic variant primary progressive aphasia (svPPA) and semantic behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (sbvFTD) have been linked with predominant left and right ATL neurodegeneration, respectively. Nonetheless, clinical tools for an accurate diagnosis of sbvFTD are still lacking. ...
Pre- and postmeasures with a partial Assessment for Living with Aphasia and Art Therapy Perception (ATP) questionnaire. Results from pre- and postmeasures did not show statistically significant between-group differences. However, the participants found art therapy to be a new way to express their ...