IsNaturallyOrdered(SelectExpression) Determines whether the given SelectExpression is naturally ordered, meaning that any ordering has been added automatically by EF to preserve e.g. the natural ordering of a JSON array, and not because the original LINQ query contained an explicit...
b, Eco4-derived spacer sequences and orientations. Bases are coloured to match Figure 3f. c, Proportion of Eco4-derived spacers in each orientation. Open circles are individual biological replicates. Extended Data Fig. 4 Change in YFP fluorescence when expressed using inducible promoters. The y...
The nourseothricin acetyltransferase marker was finally removed by transient expression of aCre-recombinase. This gene was cloned into a plasmid with an autonomously replicating sequence44and a Zeocin-resistance cassette, which was then transformed into the Δhis4strain. The transformants were incubated o...
Expression like(java.lang.String value, java.lang.String escapeSequence) PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is like other value. Expression likeIgnoreCase(Expression theValue) PUBLIC: Return an expression that compares if the receivers value is like the other value, ...
V1071. Return value is not always used. Consider inspecting the 'foo' function. V1072. Buffer needs to be securely cleared on all execution paths. V1073. Check the following code block after the 'if' statement. Consider checking for typos. V1074. Boundary between numeric escape sequence and...
In the first chapter, I talked a bit about matching HTML tags, such as the sequence <B>very</B> that renders the “very” in bold if the browser can do so. Attempting to match a <B>...</B> sequence seems similar to matching a quoted string, except the “quotes” in this case...
If Squeak had not already defined the method whileTrue:, we could have recursively redefined it in the BlockContext class as: whileTrue: aBlock self value ifTrue: [aBlock value. self whileTrue: aBlock] Please also note that Squeak compiles this version using whileTrue: in a sequence of ...
These complexes are specific to the CD5X probes, as they can not be competed away with the addition of excess irrelevant oligos, CD5Y, CK, and KE (figure 6a, lanes 4-6). Figure 5 a: Sequence comparison of the Ets site, the CD5X region, and the CD5Y region between human and mouse....
Three TFs containing two additional DBDs not included in the protein domain databases were added manually (see Materials and methods). From this combination of computational predictions and literature curation, we identified 708 genes likely to encode sequence-specific DNA-binding TFs, representing a ...
Single cell RNA sequencing is a promising technique to determine the states of individual cells and classify novel cell subtypes. In current sequence data analysis, however, genes with low expressions are omitted, which leads to inaccurate gene counts an